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A 8. Jesus Christ is Exalted in Glory 8. Jesus Christ is Exalted in Glory Jesus’ rising back to life is the beginning of his exaltation!

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2 A 8. Jesus Christ is Exalted in Glory

3 8. Jesus Christ is Exalted in Glory Jesus’ rising back to life is the beginning of his exaltation!

4 Exaltation - Being lifted up in victory

5 Previously: the humiliation

6 Philippians 2:9-11 p. 1162 1. Descended / into hell 2. Rose / from death 3. Ascended / to heaven 4. At right hand 5. Will come again

7 Jesus descended into hell

8 The punishment of hell was placed on Jesus where?

9 Answer: At the Cross Jesus paid for our sins!

10 1 Pet 3:18,19 p. 1202

11 Jesus was made alive by the Spirit.

12 When? After becoming alive

13 941) Col 2:15Why? To proclaim his victory over the devil.

14 Jesus Rose From the Dead

15 Jesus was already alive and had left the tomb.

16 Angels opened the tomb to show the world.

17 942) Rom 1:4 This assures us that 1. Jesus himself is God’s divine son...

18 948) John 11:25 (cont.) and what he says is true!

19 943) Rom 4:25 2. Our sins and guilt are Paid in full!

20 946) John 14:19 951) John 11:25,26 3. We ourselves will rise bodily from the grave.

21 The Beginning  0  33 AD 1500 BC The resurrection was long prophesied!

22 1,000 years before Jesus was born to the family line of King David, David prophesied: “You will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay” (Ps 16:10). The Christ David

23 Jesus Ascended into Heaven (40 days after His resurrection)

24 Jesus was taken up to heaven.

25 He rules all things!

26 951) John 14:2,3 1. He ascended in bodily form 40 days after Easter.

27 Acts 1:9-11 p. 1077 2. He ascended to prepare a place for us.

28 Jesus Now Sits at God’s Right Hand (the position of power and glory)

29 958) Rom 8:34 1. As our High Priest, Jesus Intercedes for us as we pray

30 956) Eph 4:10,11 1. As our Prophet, Jesus guides us with his word.

31 Rom 8: (18,28) 38,39 p. 1118 1. As our King, Jesus Rules all things for our good.

32 Rev 1:5b,6 p. 1215 Therefore, to Him be All glory and honor.

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