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(Vocabulary) Prompt(s): I learned the word___________. It means ____________. I learned... Card 1 Card 2 What new words did I learn? What were the details?

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Presentation on theme: "(Vocabulary) Prompt(s): I learned the word___________. It means ____________. I learned... Card 1 Card 2 What new words did I learn? What were the details?"— Presentation transcript:

1 (Vocabulary) Prompt(s): I learned the word___________. It means ____________. I learned... Card 1 Card 2 What new words did I learn? What were the details? (Tells about the details. The details are the parts.) Prompt(s): Some of the details were... A detail was... The details were...

2 Card 3 Card 4 What was the main idea? What did I learn? (When you tell about all the parts in just a few words, you tell the main idea.) Prompt(s): The main idea was... What do I know about_______________? (K-W-L) Prompt(s): I learned that... I know that...

3 What else do I want to know about? Card 5 What else do I want to learn about________?; What questions do I still have about ________? (K-W-L) Prompt(s): I still want to know... I still want to learn... A question I still have is...

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