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COMMUNITY HEALTH Mohamed M. B. Alnoor Community Health Program I CHP 200.

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1 COMMUNITY HEALTH Mohamed M. B. Alnoor Community Health Program I CHP 200

2 The Rise of Public Health “Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain” The Public Health Act of 1848 A General Board of Health was created Sanitary Reform: 1- Edwin Chadwick (1842) Legislation of acts to : Control housing conditions Establish sewerage systems Proper water supplies Provide for medical officers of health

3 The Rise of Public Health Sanitary Reform: 2- Waves of cholera 1831/32 - 48/49 - 53/54 -John Snow 1849 “ The mode of communication of cholera “ Snow stated : “ Diseases that are communicated from person to person are caused by some material which passes from the sick to the healthy, and which has the property of increasing and multiplying in the system of the person it attacks” -1854 : Put theory to test : “Broad street Pump”

4 3- William Budd: - same conclusion on typhoid fever ( 1839 – 1856) - Published a paper entitled “ On Intestinal fever ; its Mode of Propagation” - He blamed the excreta of the sick contaminating drinking water and the tainted hands of attendants of the sick. The Rise of Public Health Sanitary Reform:

5 The Rise of Public Health 4- State Boards of Health ( 1855 – 1873 ) 5- The American Public Health Association was launched in 1872. 6- National Board of Health 1879 : Yellow fever in the southern states.

6 7- Bacteriology : - Robert Koch ( 1843 – 1910 ) - Louis Pasteur ( 1822 – 1895 ) The Rise of Public Health “Public Health then was nothing but sanitation and control of communicable disease ”

7 -By 1910 : Control of typhoid, cholera and diphtheria was progressing successfully. The leading cause of death was........... New phase of Public Health :. Education in personal hygiene. Public health nurse : teaching “ good health practices ” - 1911 : Need for local health departments : to bring good health knowledge to the people The Rise of Public Health

8 -1912 : Need for trained personnel MIT Harvard ( Milton J. Rosenou ) -1913 : Rockefeller Foundation “ School of Public Health “USA & abroad - 1919 : John Hopkins university “ School of Public Health and Research ” -1923 : Reorganized Harvard School of Public Health. The Rise of Public Health

9 life expectancy infant mortality maternal mortality burden of communicable diseases As Public Health gained maturity The Rise of Public Health

10 Governments increased concern at all levels for the health of the people. The Rise of Public Health

11 Disciplines that contribute to human health and disease are classified into : - Basic sciences - Clinical sciences - Population medicine POPULATION MEDICINE

12 in different settings and different times is referred to as : - hygiene - public health - preventive medicine - social medicine - community health - community medicine POPULATION MEDICINE public healthand preventive medicine preventive medicine social and

13 Hygiene The science of health علم الصحة Includes all factors which contribute to healthful living “determinants of health” POPULATION MEDICINE

14 Public Health الصحة العامة “Public Health Act “ of 1848 aims to : - protect people’s health - promote - restore POPULATION MEDICINE

15 Public Health “The art and science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through environmental sanitation, control of communicable diseases, health education, early diagnosis and preventive treatment of disease and organization of medical services to ensure every individual a standard of living adequate for maintenance of health and to enable every citizen to realize his birth rights of health and longevity” POPULATION MEDICINE

16 Preventive Medicine الطب الوقائى Developed as a branch of medicine, distinct from public health. It is applied to healthy people. Now it is similar to public health. POPULATION MEDICINE

17 Social Medicine الطب الاجتماعى First introduced at the same time as public health. This is to stress social factors as :determinants of health and disease - economic factors - education - occupation / employment - consanguinity - politics / administrative setup etc.. POPULATION MEDICINE

18 Community Health صحة المجتمع This term has replaced public health, preventive medicine and social medicine. Community Medicine طب المجتمع This is a new comer. It is the successor of public health, preventive medicine, social medicine and community health. POPULATION MEDICINE

19 is the art and science of studying and assessment of community health needs, organization and provision of comprehensive health services and evaluation and development of health care programs with the objectives of promotion of health and prevention of disease. Community Medicine POPULATION MEDICINE

20 Health Education MCH Environmental health School health Occupational health Control of communicable disease Control of noncommunicable disease POPULATION MEDICINE Community Medicine Branches, Divisions, Components

21 Health service administration: - Planning - Implementation - Evaluation Demography Community nutrition Biostatistics Epidemiology POPULATION MEDICINE Community Medicine Branches, Divisions, Components

22 is the art and science of studying and assessment of community health needs, organization and provision of comprehensive health services and evaluation and development of health care programs with the objectives of promotion of health and prevention of disease. “The art and science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through environmental sanitation, control of communicable diseases, health education, early diagnosis and preventive treatment of disease and organization of medical services to ensure every individual a standard of living adequate for maintenance of health and to enable every citizen to realize his birth rights of health and longevity” Community MedicinePublic Health


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