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Improving culture, arts and sporting opportunities through planning and development 11 July 2013 Tcpa and c CLOA seminar series.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving culture, arts and sporting opportunities through planning and development 11 July 2013 Tcpa and c CLOA seminar series."— Presentation transcript:

1 improving culture, arts and sporting opportunities through planning and development 11 July 2013 Cambridge @CulturePlanning Tcpa and c CLOA seminar series

2 improving culture, arts and sporting opportunities through planning and development Charles Freeman Tcpa and c CLOA seminar series

3 improving culture, arts and sporting opportunities through planning and development Heidi Bellamy Culture First Tcpa and c CLOA seminar series

4 Michael Chang improving culture, arts and sporting opportunities through planning and development Tcpa and c CLOA seminar series

5 About the TCPA

6 Planning for culture, arts and sport In policy National Planning Policy Framework (2012) Local and new neighbourhood plans, processes In practice Continuing need to promote as key priority Continuing need for strong collective narrative Continuing need to support practitioners Benefit of history of joint working nationally

7 Improving culture, arts and sporting opportunities through planning ‘Planning practice guide’ launched 19 June by Peter Aldous MP

8 Purpose of the document “Guidance can never replace local judgement and the application of professional expertise – it can merely assist. Guidance can and should clarify the ‘ground rules’ for these processes, so there is clarity about approach, where evidence can be sourced, etc – but guidance should support the application of local skills and judgement, not automate them. Guidance also has a crucial role in helping identify what information is required in different circumstances.” Taylor Review of Planning Practice Guidance, December 2012

9 Status of the document Non statutory but supported by cross sector organisations: c CLOA Planning Officers Society Statutory agencies Local authorities Private sector Other stakeholder groups

10 National policy Strategic and local collaboration Local planning Neighbourhood planning Planning applications Infrastructure planning Section 4 Planning approach

11 Key messages Viability considerations Section 106 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Other non-planning funding and delivery mechanisms Section 5 Funding and delivery

12 Libraries, museums, archives Arts venues, theatres Public art Open space, sport Historic environment Good design (website only) Organisations and references Section 6 Tools and guidance

13 Appendix: National Planning Policy Framework Checklist – focused on how to get there Case studies and good practice examples Briefing note on recent Local Plan policies Briefing note on culture and arts in CIL What other support and resources do you need? Let us know Additional resources

14 Adopt an inclusive partnership approach. We all have a responsibility not just planners. Be clear about output and outcomes from the start, how they feed into the planning process. Base decisions on local evidence. Align decisions with strategic and local priorities. Think creatively about sources of planning and non-planning funding. Use the best of what you have. Key messages from the guide and the process of developing the guide


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