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Data for Student Success November 2009 Lansing “It is about focusing on building a culture of quality data through professional development and web based.

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Presentation on theme: "Data for Student Success November 2009 Lansing “It is about focusing on building a culture of quality data through professional development and web based."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data for Student Success November 2009 Lansing “It is about focusing on building a culture of quality data through professional development and web based dynamic inquiries for school improvement.”

2 Introduction to the Grant Federal Title II Part D of the NCLB Act of 2001 Enhancing Education through Technology Grant awarded through CEPI

3 Data4SS Web site

4 Norms Participate fully Actively listen Seek application Press for clarification Honor time agreements and confidentiality Silence cell phones Keep side bars to a minimum and on topic

5 Data Conferences Ensuring Student Success

6 Data Conferences Talk with your neighbor… What is a data conference?

7 Data 4SS Data Conference Overview

8 Barriers to Data Use Lack of (proper) training Lack of time Feast or famine Fear of evaluation Fear of exposure Confusing a technical problem with a cultural problem Edie L. Holcomb

9 What is a Data Conference? Purpose – Child – Teacher – Principal – Central Office

10 Levels of Planning What are my outcomes? What is it I need to know about student achievement? Are we meeting our SI S.M.A.R.T Goals? –How? –What evidence do we have?

11 Levels of Planning What do my teachers know? What are they able to do? What are they attempting to do? What supports will they need in professional learning? Building PD – Whole, Small group, Individual?

12 Levels of Planning What do my principals know? What are they able to do? What are they attempting to do? What supports will they need in professional learning? District PD – Whole, Small group, Individual?

13 Planning-Assess the Data Culture What is the culture of the staff/building? What is the assessment literacy of the staff/building? What student data is gathered? What is the staff’s capacity to examine student data and make sense of it? What evidence exists of their capacity to make changes in their teaching as a result of the data?

14 Planning for Data Collection and Use What is the culture of my building? What data do we begin with? –Summative? –Formative? –Child/Student Achievement? –Perception? –Demographic? –Process?

15 Activity Objectives This activity sets the stage for data analysis. This activity allows for dialogue within and across grade levels. This activity will allow for the redirection of comments addressing or reflecting low expectations or conveying stereotypes.

16 Data Gallery Walk Engages staff in discussion Empowers them to interpret the data Allows expression of reservations Sets the stage for data use

17 Data Gallery Walk Materials –Copies or poster size data displays –Markers Questions for reflection Post data poster and questions at stations around room

18 Questions for Reflection What does the data appear to tell us? What else do we need to know? Collect? What are our strengths? Challenges? What can we celebrate? What are our schools improvement needs?

19 Transitioning to Grade Level Data Conferences Who When Planning for the conference –Teacher –Principal –Data to bring

20 Management of Conference Funding Action Planning: What do teachers walk away with? Administrator Action Plan Student and staff strengths and needs Professional Development Ideas Budget Ideas

21 The Teaching and Learning Cycle Provides a vehicle for data driven dialogue Supports the ownership of student achievement data Supports professional learning Provides the support necessary for intentional planning based on student achievement data

22 Data Driven Instructional Decisions The Teaching and Learning Cycle ©1999 by Richard C. Owen Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate without publisher’s permission.

23 Activity Objectives This video clip provides a model of a grade level data conference. This video clip provides a transitional support prior to individual data conference.


25 Grade Level Data Conference As your watch the video clip… Group #1 takes notes on principal’s questions and comments Group #2 take notes on teacher’s comments

26 Grade Level Data Conference What did you notice about the level of trust? What did you notice about the teachers’ growth? What did you notice about the expectations for student learning?

27 Transitioning to Individual Data Conference What am I learning about my staff and what they know about data? 3 x 5 card List why data are important and how would they use it.

28 Transitioning to Individual Data Conference 3 x 5 card How have we grown individually with our use of collecting data? How have we grown in our ability to analyze data? Gather the responses and share with the staff.



31 Assessment Assessment is “any effort to gather, analyze, and interpret evidence which describes institutional, divisional, or agency effectiveness” (Upcraft & Schuh, 1996)

32 Assessment In watching this video clip… What evidence do you see of the use of assessment?


34 Evaluation Evaluation is “any effort to use assessment evidence to improve institutional, departmental, or divisional, or agency effectiveness” (Upcraft & Schuh, 1996)

35 Evaluation In watching this video clip… What evidence do you see of evaluation?


37 Planning Planning is to work out in advance how something is to be done or organized

38 Planning In watching this video clip… How did this lead to planning for instruction?

39 Activity Objectives This activity allows for guided practice in using data for a data conference. This activity allows for developing questions based on the assessment given.

40 Data Conference Planning




44 Individual Data Conference – Middle School As you watch the video clip… Partner #1 takes notes on principal’s/literacy coordinator’s questions and comments Partner #2 take notes on teacher’s comments and questions

45 What evidence did you see of Assessment? What evidence did you see of Evaluation? What evidence did you see of Planning? What evidence did you see for Teaching?

46 School Planning

47 Results How do we know it is working? Steady progress in the area of focus in the quarterly assessments Results on the MEAP test Matching or surpassing the district’s percent proficient Continuation of the largest sub grouping matching the performance of the aggregate.

48 Narrowing or elimination of the gender gap on the writing MEAP. Challenge: Reduction of the gap between the state percent proficient and the school’s percent proficient.

49 YOUR OWN DATA CONFERENCES What questions do you have? What data do you collect? What are your next steps?

50 Data for Student Success Key Contact Information General – – Mary Gehrig, Assistant Superintendent, Calhoun ISD – Mike Oswalt, Assistant Superintendent, Calhoun ISD – Becky Rocho, Assistant Superintendent, Calhoun ISD – Maureen Slamer – Data 4SS PD Director, Calhoun ISD –


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