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Extend Your Reach Expanding Distance Learning with Volunteers.

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Presentation on theme: "Extend Your Reach Expanding Distance Learning with Volunteers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extend Your Reach Expanding Distance Learning with Volunteers

2 Agenda  Overview of Distance Learning in MN ABE  How volunteers fit in DL  Benefits & challenges  Resources & examples  How you can get started

3 What is Distance Learning? Distance learning (DL) is a structured learning experience where the teacher and the learner are not always present in the same place at the same time.

4 DL in MN ABE  181,000 hours in PY2014

5 DL Programming Models  DL-only: learners only enroll in DL and have no face-to-face (F2F) classes  Dual-enrollment: learners enroll in two classes – DL and F2F. The two classes have different teachers and run independently of each other.  Hybrid or Blended Learning: learners enroll in one class that uses both modes of learning. One teacher does both DL and F2F instruction. Content of DL & F2F is coordinated.

6 Use Existing Resources  18 Platforms approved in MN  Teachers don’t create online courses; they choose & assign content from approved curricula Learn more at: platforms

7 Why DL? PPotential to reach new learners IIntensify services to current learners MMeet diverse needs DDevelop digital literacy skills in context YYounger learners want/expect online learning IIncrease learning outcomes OOpen Door LCs had 48% more level gains in ESL learners with at least 10 hours of DL

8 Components of DL Programming  Recruitment & Screening  Orientation  Instruction  Assessment & Feedback Volunteers can help with all of these!

9 Small Group Discussion  What is your program currently doing for DL?  Do you currently involve volunteers in your DL program? If so, how?  What would you like to be able to do in DL (that you can’t currently do)?

10 DL at Open Door Learning Centers  Dual-enrollment  1 DL Coordinator/Instructor 20 hrs/week  4 sites in 2 cities  Skills Tutor & USA Learns  287 learners with 3498 hours (May-Oct 2015)

11 Volunteers Extend Our Reach May-Oct 2015  16 DL Volunteers  275 hours = 10.5 hours/week  Increases DL staffing by 50%!


13 Access is Critical

14 Roles for Volunteers In Recruitment  Posting flyers  Skills Tutor bulletin board  Visiting classrooms to promote the program  Share learning center posts on FaceBook  Recruit new volunteers!

15 Roles for Volunteers In Orientation  Assist learners so the DL instructor can give her full attention to orienting new learners  When DL instructor is not present, lead tutors set up accounts & provide DL orientation

16 Roles for Volunteers In Instruction  Lead tutors run DL computer labs  Float in DL computer labs  Work 1-to-1 with learners  Coach learners on Digital Literacy skills

17 Roles for Volunteers In Assessment & Feedback  Share observations with DL instructor  Update progress chart

18 Roles for Volunteers  Promote incentives  Computer scholarship  Winter break rewards (gift certificates)  Bilingual volunteers follow up on email, phone, or text message with encouragement  Also call learners who haven’t logged in  Encourage donations by local businesses

19 Computer Scholarship Recipients Thanks to our partners at PCs for People!

20 Benefits  More lab times!  More personal connections with learners  DL instructor can’t be everywhere at once. Volunteers allow us to support 4 sites in 2 cities with both day & evening programming.

21 Challenges  Recruiting volunteers with both interest & skills for supporting DL  Volunteers find enforcing lab rules difficult  Learners want to use the lab for non-DL activities  Volunteers need DL-specific training  Platform training, DL policy  Volunteer turn-over

22 Professional Development is Crucial  DL101 is strongly recommended for the supervising teacher or coordinator

23 Resources! DL Website: Google Drive with Open Door LC Materials:

24 Planning a Role for a Volunteer

25 Questions?

26 Contact Me! Susan Wetenkamp-Brandt 651-251-9090 Twitter: @swbrandt

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