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Building an IAQ Team & Communicating Your Success 2nd Annual IAQ Tools for Schools Symposium Washington, DC August 10, 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Building an IAQ Team & Communicating Your Success 2nd Annual IAQ Tools for Schools Symposium Washington, DC August 10, 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building an IAQ Team & Communicating Your Success 2nd Annual IAQ Tools for Schools Symposium Washington, DC August 10, 2001

2 Workshop Overview t Case Study t Video Segment u Selecting and Building an IAQ Team u Role of the IAQ Coordinator t Forming an IAQ Team t Communication Strategies t Questions and Answers 1

3 2 The IAQ Team—Internal Members t Facility/Maintenance Staff t Teachers t Administrative Staff t Custodians t Health Officers/School Nurses t Food Service Staff t Students

4 3 The IAQ Team—External Members t School Board Members t Parents t Public Health Officials t Health Organizations t Media t County Officials

5 4 Roles of IAQ Coordinator t Leader u Develops Vision u Sets Direction u Strategizes for Change u Communicates Direction u Motivates and Inspires u Leads by Example t Manager u Plans u Budgets u Organizes u Controls u Solves Problems u Makes Decisions u Allocates Resources

6 24 Responsibilities of IAQ Coordinator t Disseminates IAQ Information t Creates and Coordinates IAQ Team t Implements IAQ Management Plan t Coordinates IAQ Activities t Communicates to All Constituents t Facilitates Resolution of IAQ Problems 5

7 6 The IAQ Management Plan t Assess Current Status u Distribute and complete checklists u Perform walkthrough inspection u u t Perform Repairs and Upgrades Set repair and upgrade priorities Perform repairs and upgrades t Final Steps u Assess problem-solving performance u Establish and update IAQ policies

8 7 Communication Strategies t Building Awareness of IAQ in Your School t Encouraging Participation by Faculty and Staff t Managing Public Relations- with Outside Stakeholders t “Managing Up”- Getting Top Support t Communicating in a Crisis- “Do’s and Don’ts”

9 8 t t t t t t Communication Principles Be honest, frank, and open. Respect your audience. Avoid technical language and jargon. Employ your best listening skills. Different audiences require different communication strategies. Emphasize action.

10 9 t t t t t Communication Principles, cont. Encourage feedback. Keep the public informed. Be prepared for questions. Be responsive. Combat rumors with facts. t Tell people what you can and cannot do.

11 10 t t t t Communication Principles, cont. Work with the media. Involve school employees. Involve parents. Involve the school board.

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