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ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB Alexandria Digital Library (ADL) Brief intro to ADL Item vs Collection Level Metadata Collection.

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Presentation on theme: "ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB Alexandria Digital Library (ADL) Brief intro to ADL Item vs Collection Level Metadata Collection."— Presentation transcript:

1 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB Alexandria Digital Library (ADL) Brief intro to ADL Item vs Collection Level Metadata Collection Level Metadata What is it? What does it allow us to do? Why is it important for the Individual DL software Collection discovery service

2 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB Intro to ADL - Mission To provide a distributed spatially searchable digital library of geographically referenced materials. The library's components may be distributed (spread across the Internet) or coexist within a single network or desktop.

3 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB Facilitate spatial searching for a variety of information Botanical Survey Archeological Digs Geographical Data Archives Museum Artifacts Art about … Zoological Habitat Study Books about … Earth Science Data

4 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB Intro to ADL Provides quick and accurate answers to the question "What data is available for this geographic area?“ Provides both, online spatial content and metadata of library holdings for local and distributed collections. Internet discovery, access and delivery.

5 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB ADL Item Level Metadata  Subject-related text  Title  Assigned term  Originator  Geographic location  Coverage date  Object type  Format  Identifier

6 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB ADL “Webclient” Interface (2002)

7 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB What is Collection Level Metadata? Object Type cartographic works maps images photographs aerial photographs Count 324,876 2,014,799 484,083 ADL CLM provides information about collections…  consistent and uniform  descriptive and statistical …allows individuals and software to rapidly  identify relevant collections  search across collections

8 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB What is Collection Level Metadata? Collection-level metadata describes buckets (search fields)supported by collection item-level metadata mappings statistical overviews item counts spatial and temporal coverage histograms

9 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB What is Collection Level Metadata?  Focuses on the aggregated information about collections and description of collection services  Includes  human readable content  spatial and temporal extent information  search methodology information for use by the computer  Facilitates rapid search across different archives in a consistent manner  Thus, extremely important to cross collection searching and collection discovery

10 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB What is Collection Level Metadata?  Contextual  Identity  Scope and Purpose  Originator, Creator  Inherent  Statistics  Overall counts  Counts by Type  Counts by Format  Spatial Coverage  Temporal Coverage  Search method supported (e.g. ADL search buckets  Harvest methods supported (e.g. NSDL/OAI)

11 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB

12 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB

13 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB

14 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB ADL Collection-level metadata

15 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB ADL CLM – Compare spatial coverage

16 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB ADL CLM– Compare temporal coverage

17 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB What does CLM do?  Informs user about collections  Facilitates  Rapid user search across collections  Rapid software search across collections  ***Collection Discovery***

18 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB ADL – New collection discovery service Poll known library servers Eliminate non-relevant collections Collect contextual and inherent information Inform the software of the available search “buckets” for specific collections Inform the software of harvest methodology for specific collections ( NSDL/OAI)

19 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB Collection discovery service will allow cross-archive searching

20 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB CLM is important because… Object Type cartographic works maps images photographs aerial photographs Count 324,876 2,014,799 484,083 Collections will have:  Common description  Readable by humans  Usable by library services

21 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB CLM is important because… Object Type cartographic works maps images photographs aerial photographs Count 324,876 2,014,799 484,083 Facilitate rapid and consistent  Cross-collection searching  Cross-archive searching

22 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB CLM is important because… Object Type cartographic works maps images photographs aerial photographs Count 324,876 2,014,799 484,083  Provides descriptive summary information about collection  Provides aggregated information about the holdings  User (and software) can determine how applicable the contents of a collection are to a project

23 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB CLM is important because… Object Type cartographic works maps images photographs aerial photographs Count 324,876 2,014,799 484,083  Users (and software) can rapidly eliminate collections that do not have appropriate information and route searches to relevant collections

24 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB CLM is important because… Thus, It is Important to Users! Object Type cartographic works maps images photographs aerial photographs Count 324,876 2,014,799 484,083 CLM is the missing piece of the puzzle! Facilitates:  human cross-collection searching  automated cross-collection searching  collection discovery across multiple digital libraries

25 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB ADL Collection-level metadata Object Type cartographic works maps images photographs aerial photographs Count 324,876 2,014,799 484,083 The beginning…

26 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB Alexandria Digital Library

27 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB ADL Collection Level Metadata  Contextual  Identity  Scope and Purpose  Originator, Creator  Inherent  Statistics  Overall counts  Counts by Type  Counts by Format  Spatial Coverage  Temporal Coverage  Search fields supported  Harvest methods supported (e.g. NSDL/OAI) The beginning… Object Type cartographic works maps images photographs aerial photographs Count 324,876 2,014,799 484,083

28 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB

29 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB

30 ADL Alexandria digital Library – Davidson Library, UCSB

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