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Muscular System.

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1 Muscular System

2 Frontals Trapezius Trapezius Deltoid Deltoid Pectoral Triceps Triceps Biceps Biceps Latissimus Dorsi Abdominals Gluteus Maximus Sartorius Hamstring Quadriceps Gastrocnemius Gastrocnemius Achilles Tendon

3 Vocabulary Muscular System: the group of tough tissues that make you body parts move. Contract: shortening of the muscle Extend: lengthening of the muscle

4 How do muscles work? You have over 600 muscles in your body
They all work in pairs When one contracts the other extends Describe what happens when you bend and straighten your arm… Your bicep pulls on your radius Your triceps extend Your triceps pull on your ulna Your bicep extend

5 Diagram of a Muscle Bone Blood Vessel Muscle Cell Muscle Cell Bundle
Tendon Muscle Body

6 Kinds of Muscle Smooth Can be found in organs
Stomach Intestines Can NOT be controlled voluntarily. You don’t have to think about moving your food through your digestive tract after you swallow

7 Kinds of Muscle Cardiac Only found in one place in the body THE HEART
Controlled by the brain Some people after years of training are able to raise and lower their heart rate voluntarily

8 Kinds of Muscle Skeletal Attached to bone Allow you to move your body
Skeletal muscles makeup about 40% of your body weight

9 Problems with the Muscular System
Description Treatment Pulled or Torn Muscle Muscle tears from bone Rest / Ice for minor tears Surgery for major tears Strain Soreness due to overwork / over stretched muscle or tendon Rest / Application of ice and heat in 20 minute intervals Cramp Muscle contracts and is unable to relax, most commonly due to lack of water Drink water / Massage / Application of heat

10 Problems with the Muscular System
Description Treatment Tendonitis Overstretched or torn tendon Rest and ice for minor surgery for major Muscular Dystrophy And inherited disorder in which the muscles become weaker over time and eventually the person is no longer able to walk or stand No cure

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