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Dream Interpretation. Dreams of Flying and Falling Flying  Enjoyable  Making some sort of breakthrough  Escape from some sort of conflict Falling 

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Presentation on theme: "Dream Interpretation. Dreams of Flying and Falling Flying  Enjoyable  Making some sort of breakthrough  Escape from some sort of conflict Falling "— Presentation transcript:

1 Dream Interpretation

2 Dreams of Flying and Falling Flying  Enjoyable  Making some sort of breakthrough  Escape from some sort of conflict Falling  Feeling out of control or not living up to expectations, either internally or externally

3 Dreams about Money What we value in life or how we feel about ourselves Struggling with changing values or with our idea of who we are

4 Dreams about Tests, Success, and Defeat Feel like we are not meeting expectations Failing or succeeding  Express fears and worries about meeting expectations of others  Practice getting it right or wrong

5 Dreams about the Body Food  Emotional things that we crave Sickness or loss of body parts/functions  Feelings of being powerless Bathroom  Self-control, shame, or pride Nudity  Feelings of vulnerability or exposure  Seeking attention

6 Dreams about Losing Something/Someone Concerned about letting go or actually losing someone/something in our lives Too Late?  Overwhelmed or conflicted about an opportunity Hoarding or hiding something  Scared or unsure of ourselves Excited?  Sharing our abundance with others

7 Nightmares Attacking someone, telling someone off, etc.  Anger that is not expressed in waking life  Don’t tell people? Insecure about your own feelings Victim of violence?  Feeling like you are not in control over something  Guilty about an accomplishment in life

8 Nightmare cont. Drowning  Overwhelmed with life Animals, monsters, or shadows  Something that you are ignoring  Something about yourself that you are trying to hide Being chased  Decision you are trying to avoid  Out of Control of your own life

9 Dreams about Death and Destruction Dying  Rebirth or shedding of an old self  Out of control of your own life  Overwhelmed  Unhealthy behaviors Killing someone  Something in your life is out of control  Something that you wish would go away for good

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