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Trade & Business Statistics Geert Bruinooge Statistics Netherlands.

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Presentation on theme: "Trade & Business Statistics Geert Bruinooge Statistics Netherlands."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trade & Business Statistics Geert Bruinooge Statistics Netherlands

2 2 Content standard business ID numbers in national administrations advantages and challenges of micro data linking in research on business dynamics and globalisation Internationalisation Monitor 2012

3 3 Developing a Business Register (BR) BR that meets the needs of large developed countries (e.g. Eurostat standards) BR that meets the basic needs of developing countries (minimum standards) No controlled BR. Stand alone registers used for separate surveys. Integrated micro data on trade and globalisation Non-linked aggregated tables on trade and globalisation Ad hoc tables, if any, on trade and globalisation

4 4 4 Linking registers Government alignment in ID numbers The system of base registers and other registers (e.g. tax register). Example: trade register: Links with other base registers are encorporated in the trade register

5 5 5 Base registers: government policies Trade Register Social Security Administration Ownership and control relations

6 6 6 System of base registers Trade Register Social security adminitration

7 7 Person Natural Person or Non-Natural Person Company Establishment Entities in Trade Register and relations to other registers

8 8 Persons Register Tax Register Building and Adresses Register Entities in Trade Register and relations to other registers

9 9 Research on business dynamics Starting point: ongoing changes and (international) dynamics of business population impacts outcomes for individuals and society (income, productivity) Challenge: integrate all information and describe determinants, effects and trends of economic globalisation of the national economy The answer: linking microdata on enterprises to 1) describe/analyze the international orientation structure of globalisation and 2) analyze impacts on employment and welfare

10 10 Concept of ‘international orientation’

11 11 Why Micro Data Linking? It creates new knowledge without increasing respondent burden It adds value to already collected data by integrating the different registers It enables to fine tune surveys by focusing on collecting information which is not available from existing statistical registers, e.g. the GVC survey in Europe Challenges: selectivity of samples and registers, conceptual issues (enterprise and enterprise group, other concepts)

12 12 Micro data linking Enterprise FirmJobPerson Statistics of Finances of Enterprises International Trade Fiscal Data Population register Job register Surveys Persons and Households SBS & STS Surveys R&D Investments Business Register Fiscal Data 1 : M1 : NP : 1 Ownership (UCI)/FATS GVC Survey 2012 ESSNET GVC Micro Data Linking Project 2012/2013

13 13 Globalisation Research Statistics Netherlands Annual publication with different themes Accrued output over 60 different articles and 450 tables Users: Ministries (including worldwide embassies), planning offices

14 14 Internationalisation Monitor 2012 Theme: enterprise dynamics (demography) and the increasing internationalisation: Entry/exits of international active enterprises Its effects on the national economy The role of the financial crisis

15 15 Survival rates new start-ups by trader type (cohort 2007)

16 Effects on economy, starters 2007 16 Dutch startersForeign controlled starters

17 Turnover by type of trader 17 Business economy, Nace 10-74

18 18 More information on globalisation issues on GB/menu/themas/dossiers/globalisering/nieuws/default. htm GB/menu/themas/dossiers/globalisering/nieuws/default. htm Thank You Questions?

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