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The 1970s Culture. Culture The “Me” Decade People started to look out for themselves Fix their own problems People wanted to escape the issues of society.

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Presentation on theme: "The 1970s Culture. Culture The “Me” Decade People started to look out for themselves Fix their own problems People wanted to escape the issues of society."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 1970s Culture

2 Culture The “Me” Decade People started to look out for themselves Fix their own problems People wanted to escape the issues of society New Age Movement People could cure themselves Meditation

3 1970s TV Many new shows were debuted that portrayed real issues Situational comedies (sitcom) Addressed controversial issues Allowed people to form their own opinions

4 1970s Music Stopped protest music Healing music Reflective of society Disco Put individuals on center stage Appealed to all ethnicities

5 1970s Fads and Fashions T-shirt messages, mood rings, CB radios, Fitness All were centered around the individual and escaping the real issues that were going on in the world

6 Assignment Each decade we have studied has a certain significance 50s- perfect family life 60s- protests and anger 70s- the “me” decade How would you describe our culture today? Find 5 aspects to our current society and tell how they explain how life in the 2000s are Each part of our society must have a picture and a description

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