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Presented by Lee Zenke 2015 Java Programming PT. 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Lee Zenke 2015 Java Programming PT. 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Lee Zenke 2015 Java Programming PT. 1

2 Lesson 1: Prep for use of Java with NetBeans and FRC ▫ Here we will learn how and were to download all needed programs and install them on a PC. Lesson 2: Logical, step by step thinking. ▫ Break down a large problem into its step by step solution Lesson 3: Data types and operands ▫ Understand variable types in java and operands. Training Outline

3 Download NetBeans with JDK 8 Make sure to choose correct installer based off of operating system Simply Follow the installer instructions to successfully install NetBeans Lesson 1: Install NetBeans with JDK 8

4 Click tools > plugins Click the settings tab and then click Add and enter the info below and click OK Lesson 1: Configure NetBeans

5 First click “Check for Newest” in the available plugins tab The check every plugin in the FRC category Lastly Install Follow instructions to finish installing Restart IDE Lesson 1: Install Plugins

6 Tools > Options Open Misc. Tab Click on FRC Configuration tab Leave all settings default Except the Team Number field Enter in your specific team number NetBeans is now Good to Go! Lesson 1: Configure NetBeans

7 Example 1: The Robot Man as taught by Mr. Mahnke ▫ Rules:  You are only allowed the following commands: Turn left 90 degrees, Move one step forward, Decrement counter, Increment counter, stand up, sit down, raise arms, lower arms, and lastly sense if touching a wall. ▫ Goal:  Your goal is to use these commands to create a system allowing a robotic man to stand up and walk any distance to a wall and touch it then come back and sit down with his arms down. Lesson 2: Logical, Step by Step Thinking

8 String Integer Double Float Long Boolean Char Short byte Lesson 3: Primitive Data Types

9 == logical equal too = set a variable equal to != logical not equal to && logical and operator ++ increment by 1 -- decrement by 1 > logical greater than >= logical greater than or equal to < logical less than || logical or Lesson 3: Operands * multiply / divide by % modular division + add - subtract

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