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Department of Psychology

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1 Department of Psychology
Epigenetic Impact of Toxins, Stress & Social Interactions: Transgenerational Perspectives Dr. Frances A. Champagne Department of Psychology Columbia University

2 Our changing brain…

3 HOW DOES THIS OCCUR? Epigenetic Control of Gene Activity
Early Environmental Experiences Brain Physiology Behavior Our experiences or “nurture” can have long-term effects on our brain and behavior Genes can be turned “on” or turned “off” through epigenetic changes HOW DOES THIS OCCUR?

Parental Experience Influences Offspring Development MATERNAL EXPERIENCES stress, toxin exposure, nutritional status oocyte transcription/translation prenatal environment placental function, physiology postnatal maternal behavior sensory stimulation, frequency & stability of care OFFSPRING DEVELOPMENT


6 Programming of Fetal Stress Response
maternal fetal risk of prematurity lower birth weight increased stress response risk of depression & anxiety Stress

7 Pathways of Prenatal Stress Effects
Monk, Spicer & Champagne (2012) Development & Psychopathology

8 Prenatal Stress Effects on Epigenetics & Fetal Neurodevelopment
Catherine Monk & Ben Tycko

9 Genes Altered in the Rat Placenta Following Chronic Variable Exposure to Stress
Gene Function Stress Effect 11BHSD-2 metabolizes corticosterone Decreased DNMT1 maintenance DNA methyltransferase Nr3c1 glucocorticoid receptor Decreased in male 11BHSD-1 AFP Alfa-fetoprotein (binds estradiol) AR Androgen receptor Decreased in females AVPR1a Vasopressin receptor (social behavior) Decreased in males DIO3 Iodothyronine deiodinase 3 (inactivates thyroid hormone) DLK1 Delta-like 1 homolog (adipogenesis) DNMT3L DNA methyltransferase IGF1R Insulin growth-like factor 1 receptor IGF2 Insulin growth-like factor 2

10 11BHSD-2 DNA Methylation in the Placenta
Prenatally Stressed Non-Stressed cccctctgctagtgtgacacacttcgcgcaactccgcagttggcgggcgcggaccacccctgcggctctgccggctggctgtcaccctcgggggctctggctgccgacccacgggcgggctccgagcggttccaagcctcggagtgggcgggggcg ggaggg agcctggg agaa M cccctctgctagtgtgacacacttcgcgcaactccgcagttggcgggcgcggaccacccctgcggctctgccggctggctgtcaccctcgggggctctggctgccgacccacgggcgggctccgagcggttccaagcctcggagtgggcgggggcg ggaggg agcctggg agaa

11 Anita Thapar & colleagues

12 Prenatal Exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA)
DNA Methylation Prenatal Exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA) Tissue specific changes in gene expression neurodevelopmental, metabolic, immune outcomes

13 maternal exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) during pregnancy
tissue specific changes in gene expression SEX-SPECIFIC EFFECTS Boys: high prenatal BPA exposure associated with increased behavior problems (CBCL), including scores on Emotionally Reactive and Aggressive Behavior syndromes Girls: prenatal BPA exposure associated with lower scores on all syndromes, particularly Anxious/Depressed and Aggressive Behavior neurodevelopmental, metabolic, immune outcomes

14 Placental Gene Expression
Exposures: vehicle/control (corn oil) 2µg/kg low dose BPA 20µg/kg low dose BPA 200µg/kg low dose BPA Placental Gene Expression DNMT3L IGF2 PEG3

15 Hippocampal-Dependent Memory & Gene Expression
BPA x Sex interaction Kundakovic et al. (2015) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A

16 Are BPA-associated changes in DNA methylation present in both brain and blood?
PN 28 PN 60 BPA x Sex interaction

17 Are BPA-associated changes in DNA methylation present in fetal cord blood?
BPA x Sex interaction Low BPA < 1 µg/L (F=22; M=21) High BPA > 4 µg/L (F=19; M=19)

Parental Experience Influences Offspring Development MATERNAL EXPERIENCES stress, toxin exposure, nutritional status oocyte transcription/translation prenatal environment placental function, physiology postnatal maternal behavior sensory stimulation, frequency & stability of care OFFSPRING DEVELOPMENT

19 Dose-Dependent Effect of BPA on Postnatal Maternal Behavior
Pup Licking/Grooming Nursing Kundakovic et al (2013) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110(24):


21 LG-Associated Changes in Histone Tri-Methylation at Esr1
Jensen-Pena et al. Endocrinology (2013)

22 Mother to Daughter Transmission of Maternal Care
Kundakovic & Champagne (2015) Neuropsychopharmacology REVIEWS

23 Is there a sensitive period for the effects of maternal LG on offspring?
Jensen-Pena et al. Endocrinology (2013)

24 Effect of Neonatal ERα Up-regulation on Juvenile Maternal Sensitization
MPOA VTA Jensen-Pena et al. Developmental Neurobiology (2015)

25 Epigenetic Impact of the Postnatal Parental Care
Kundakovic & Champagne (2015) Neuropsychopharmacology REVIEWS

MATERNAL EXPERIENCES PATERNAL EXPERIENCES oocyte prenatal environment ? postnatal maternal behavior paternal care of offspring OFFSPRING DEVELOPMENT OFFSPRING DEVELOPMENT

27 Influence of paternal experience on offspring
Mashoodh et al (2013) PNAS

28 Effects of Paternal Food Restriction on Mothers and Offspring
Offspring assessment Mashoodh et al (2013) PNAS

29 Reproductive Compensation
Effects of Paternal Food Restriction on Female Mate Preference & Discrimination FR CF Reproductive Compensation


31 Embryo transfer (ET) prevents the impact of paternal food restriction on maternal outcomes

32 CF vs FR Effects in Embryo transfer (ET) and Natural Mating (NM) Conditions

MATERNAL EXPERIENCES PATERNAL EXPERIENCES oocyte prenatal environment germline effects postnatal maternal behavior paternal care of offspring OFFSPRING DEVELOPMENT OFFSPRING DEVELOPMENT

MATERNAL EXPERIENCES PATERNAL EXPERIENCES oocyte prenatal environment germline effects postnatal maternal behavior paternal care of offspring OFFSPRING DEVELOPMENT

35 Plasticity vs. Stability

36 Extended Evolutionary Synthesis

37 Contrasting views of development

38 Thanks Columbia University
James P. Curley Rahia Mashoodh Cate Jensen Emily Jordan Zoe Donaldson Marija Kundakovic Kathryn Gudsnuk Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health Rachel Miller Frederica P. Perera Columbia University Catherine Monk Ben Tycko Canadian Institutes of Health Research NIH Director's New Innovator Award Centers for Children's Environmental Health & Disease Prevention Research

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