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Hosted by Michelle Ferro & Wendy Shelden 100 200 400 300 400 Document Overview Big Ideas Bodies of Knowledge Benchmarks 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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2 Hosted by Michelle Ferro & Wendy Shelden

3 100 200 400 300 400 Document Overview Big Ideas Bodies of Knowledge Benchmarks 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 1,1 What does the first number in the benchmark coding scheme mean? The grade level of the benchmark

5 1,2 How many of the 18 Big Ideas are addressed in Grade 5? 12

6 1,3 In which two Bodies of Knowledge Would you find energy transformations? Physical Science and Life Science

7 1,4 According to Grade 3 Nature of Science Benchmarks, what does “empirical evidence” mean? Observations or measurements

8 2,1 Why were Access Points created? So students with significant cognitive disabilities can access the general education curriculum

9 2,2 In what grade is Big Idea 2: “The Characteristics of Scientific Knowledge” first introduced? Grade 4

10 2,3 What are the four Big Ideas under the Nature of Science Body of Knowledge? The Practice of Science; Characteristics of Scientific Knowledge; Role of Theories, Laws, Hypotheses, & Models; Science & Society

11 2,4 SC.8.E.5.9 is the first time an important science concept is taught. What is this concept? Reasons for the seasons

12 3,1 Why were the number of expectations reduced? (In response to calls) for clarity, coherence and minimal redundancy.

13 3,2 Which two Big Ideas are NOT taught in elementary standards? Big Idea 4 and Big Idea 18

14 3,3 Which grade level does not address all four Bodies of Knowledge? None

15 3,4 Which grade 6 set of benchmarks address “energy to change?” Benchmarks in Big Idea 13: Forces and Changes in Motion

16 4,1 Name two documents that were used in drafting the new standards. 2009 Framework for the Science portion of the National Assessment for Educational Progress (NAEP); Atlas of Science Literacy (from American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS); Science Benchmarks from Project 2061 of the AAAS; National Research Council’s National Science Education Standards; and Science Curriculum Standards from Massachusetts, Singapore, South Carolina, and Indiana (K-8).

17 4,2 Which Big Ideas does Grade 1 NOT address? Big Ideas: 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15, 18

18 4,3 In the Earth and Space Body of Knowledge which Big Idea focuses on Meteorology concepts? Big Idea 7: Earth Systems and Patterns

19 4,4 In grade 4, Big Idea 16 addresses “heredity” and “sexual reproduction.” Does this mean Grade 4 teachers will be teaching human sexuality? No, it is “FLOWERING PLANT” sexual reproduction

20 5,1 How many people took the time to go on-line to comment regarding the new standards and completed a visitor profile? Over 10,000. (10,017 in descending order: Teachers, parents, other interested persons, district staff, & administrators.)

21 5,2 Which Grade 2 Big Idea leads up to weathering and erosion in Grade 4? Big Idea 6: Earth Structures

22 5,3 Brevard’s Space Week program encompasses which Body of Knowledge? Physical Science (Includes BI 11: Energy Transfer & Transformations; BI 12: Motion of Objects; BI 13: Forces & Changes in Motion)

23 5,4 Give an example of what Benchmark SC.K.L.14.2 refers to. Winnie the Pooh, Care Bears, Scooby Doo, Lion King, Sesame Street, Veggie Tales etc.

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