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In this highly interactive session we will tackle some of the fundamental questions around how to quantify the factors that matter to pedestrian movements,

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Presentation on theme: "In this highly interactive session we will tackle some of the fundamental questions around how to quantify the factors that matter to pedestrian movements,"— Presentation transcript:

1 In this highly interactive session we will tackle some of the fundamental questions around how to quantify the factors that matter to pedestrian movements, and how these can be represented by mathematical models.

2 Walking access as utility: Latest advances in walkway network modeling and analysis Ellen Vanderslice and J. Scott Parker Oregon Walks Portland, Oregon, USA

3 PART ONE: Initial concepts Walking access The walkway network Walkway network models Walkway network analysis PART TWO: Workshop topic Assigning impedance to the model

4 IMPEDANCE Cost weight Friction Effective distance

5 PART ONE: Initial concepts Walking access The walkway network Walkway network models Walkway network analysis

6 Walking access

7 Walking access means providing walkway facilities that get people where they want to go

8 Walking access In the utility model we assume 100% demand for walking access from every dwelling

9 The walkway network

10 = THE WALKWAY NETWORK Sidewalk corridors Shortcuts, paths and trails + Crosswalks +

11 Walkway network models

12 Typical street intersection in the street network Typical street intersection in the walkway network

13 Walkway network analysis


15 Walkway Network Analysis Tool Sets Centerline preparation Walkway network generation Impedance calculation Project Definition Analysis Visualization

16 node ID error fixer bridge/tunnel fixer segment splitter traffic control assigner mobile app for field data collection for curb ramps Centerline Preparation Tools

17 Um,

18 City of Tigard Street/trail centerline

19 Walkway Network Generation Tools Walkway generator Walkway segment remover Corner mover

20 Close up, City of Tigard walkway centerline

21 Impedance calculator

22 Attributes for impedance calculation

23 Dwellings and destinations City of Tigard

24 Traversal generator Access index generator Analysis ToolVisualization Tools Walkshed calculator Slope-shading to highlight barriers Table of summary data Access index symbolizer

25 Poster courtesy Metro

26 Half-mile walkshed

27 Half a mile from Powell/59 th as the crow flies:

28 Half a mile from Powell/59 th comparing crow-fly access with distance-weighted access

29 Half a mile from Powell/59 th comparing crow-fly access and distance-weighted access with traffic-weighted access

30 Distance-weighted vs. Traffic-weighted




34 ACCESS INDEX – by node

35 Access index isolines

36 Slope-shading to highlight barriers


38 Project Definition Tool Project editor

39 Project 1: Bridge over creek

40 Results

41 Access index summary chart



44 PART TWO: Workshop topic Assigning impedance to the model

45 Impedance calculator

46 Uncontrolled crosswalk





51 Would you walk west to this pedestrian bridge?

52 Would you walk east to this marked crosswalk with a median refuge?



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