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Oneone SK-16C Objective: To apply the Law of Levers in order to balance first class levers. Core Question: Where can objects be placed in order to balance.

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Presentation on theme: "Oneone SK-16C Objective: To apply the Law of Levers in order to balance first class levers. Core Question: Where can objects be placed in order to balance."— Presentation transcript:

1 oneone SK-16C Objective: To apply the Law of Levers in order to balance first class levers. Core Question: Where can objects be placed in order to balance a first class lever? Drill: 1. Get a Lesson Sheet from the SET. 2. Complete the Drill portion only.

2 oneone SK-16C Homework: Types of Levers You get 1 Freebie.

3 oneone SK-16C Drill: How can you use a first class lever to balance a 200g mass with a 1000g mass?


5 oneone SK-16C LAW OF LEVERS R × RD = E × ED RE RDED

6 oneone SK-16C Example R = 150N RD = 4m E = 25N ED = ______ R x RD = E x ED 150N x 4m = 25N x ED 600N-m = 25N x ED 600N ÷ 25N = 25N ÷ 25N x ED 24m = ED 150N25N 4m??

7 oneone SK-16C Example R = 200g RD = 40cm E = 1000g ED = ______ R x RD = E x ED 200g x 40cm = 1000g x ED 8000 cm-g = 1000g x ED 8000 cm-g ÷ 1000g = 1000g ÷ 1000g x ED 8 cm = ED 200g1000g 40cm??

8 oneone SK-16C Homework Laws of Levers : Create and solve several problems on your own.

9 oneone SK-16C Objective: To apply the Law of Levers in order to balance first class levers. Core Question: Where can objects be placed in order to balance a first class lever? Drill: 1. Take out your papers on the Law of Levers. 2. Identify any questions that you have.

10 oneone SK-16C PLAY SOME MORE

11 oneone SK-16C Homework: Family Reunion – Show all work.

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