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The Disasters of Coal Mining

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1 The Disasters of Coal Mining

2 Centralia Fire began May 1962. Many stories on how the fire began.
Anthracite coal was underneath the town of Centralia and it caught on fire and is still burning today. Some people say the fire began because the town was ordered to get rid of the waste area and back then they would catch it on fire. Other say that people of the town were throwing away coal that was still on fire, and others say that children caused the fire by lighting matches. Today no one knows how the fire really started.


4 The dangers of Centralia
It is very dangerous to live in Centralia. Only 6 people are still living in the town. Toxic gases are being released from the ground in Centralia. The coal is still burning today! The ground is very weak from the fire and it can collapse. There once were thousands of people living in the town of centralia. It was like any other town with grocery stores, schools, and homes. When the fire broke out the government spent 42 million dollars to help the residents of the town move. Because of the coal burning there are many gases being released and this is another danger to living in the town. The people are still living there are risk of developing lung cancer. Ask the students what they know about anthracite coal and why it would still be burning after being on fire for so long. (allow students to turna nd talk in their groups)

5 Dangers of Coal Mining Knox Mine:
People were not mining during the Centralia Fire, but there were other accidents caused by coal mining.

6 Knox Mine 1959 the Susquehanna River Flooded the Knox Mine.
River slope mine- where they mined up against the river. They mined to close to the river and the rocks broke letting the river come into the mine. Many people died and were never found from the accident. The Knox mine company mined up against the river. They were told to keep 50 ft away from the water so the rocks could hold the river, but the company only kepy 35 feet away. The rocks could not longer hold the water and they broke letting in all the water. Many miners were killed.

7 Dangers of Coal Mining Explosions Poisonous gases Mines collapsing
Black lung: disease caused by inhaling coal dust. Thousands die every year from coal mining

8 Coal mining and the effects on the Earth
The land where coal is mined is ruined. Green house gases are released into the air. Acid mine drainage- water and coal mix creating a toxic water. Green house gases- not good for the environment.

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