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Presentation on theme: "THE RELATIONSHIP OF SELF- PRESENTATION WITHIN SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES By: Folayemi Akinbolaji Writing with New Media Fall 2015."— Presentation transcript:


2 THE VISION The purpose of the project was to actively engage with two different social platforms LinkedIn and an e-portfolio that called for its user (me) to present their self in a professional manner. By doing so, the user who actively engaged in the sites, would be able to understand which specific tools and best practices could be used to their full advantage in order to uphold a professional profile online. This experiment lead to: 1. Additional knowledge gained for the student to continue a professional presentation of self 2. An e-magazine that addresses all college students as to how to present themselves professionally on either a LinkedIn account or an e-portfolio The e-magazine can be found and read

3 WHAT IS SELF PRESENTATION? When an individual behaves in a manner that attempts to convey a particular notion about their self to other individuals. Because social media affords an audience of the world wide web, individuals practice self presentation to their audience in two ways: 1.By pleasing the audience to portray the audiences’ expectations of that person 2. To match an individual’s to their ideal self, what they wish to be seen as by others (called as self-construction)

4 The Success Of Presentation of Self A well-developed online presence is essential on LinkedIn and on an e-portfolio if a college student wishes to obtain a job some day. Although, that is not what I specifically set out to do for myself, I found myself taking extra measures to make sure my professional presence was up to the “normal standards”. Everything that LinkedIn suggests a college student should provide in their profile can be found

5 Strategically Presenting Yourself Online Sign myself up with a LinkedIn account and begin learning about what it is. For those who may not know what LinkedIn is, have a look at my classmate JodiAnn’s prezi presentation about the social platform.JodiAnn’s prezi presentation On my LinkedIn account you will find a little summary about myself, my work experience, volunteer work I’ve done along with groups I’ve joined. Learn how to use City Tech’s OpenLab site to the best of my knowledge then seeking help if necessary. Creating an About Me section where readers can learn about me and what my goals or aspirations are. Showing casing my best work by posting documents I’ve created for this particular semester.

6 Claims “ Social media, frequently employs exhibitions, such as lists of status updates and sets of photos, alongside situational activities, such as chatting” (Hogan 1). Becoming a participant in both LinkedIn and my e- portfolio I found that both platforms afforded me the same opportunities so long that it was in a professional manner. Sharing is very much encouraged on both platforms and communicating with others, specifically on LinkedIn aided in making additional connections that could be beneficial for my future.

7 Why should students consider LinkedIn or an E- portfolio? The Benefits If you’re looking for a job or want to expand your network in your field, LinkedIn is the place to be. Affordances: Getting job email alerts Connecting with professionals Getting Recommendations Connecting with Other Students Allows companies to find you E-portfolios are great for: Keeping student work organized and accessible. Allowing student reflection, which builds deeper understanding related to the learning outcomes. Letting students easily share their portfolios on their other social media networks for others such as employers to see.

8 What’s a Profile Page with no Summary/H eadline? *The summary is where people will first get an understanding of who you are and what you're about LinkedIn Summary As a 21 year old college student, I face a future of many challenges that I am eager to confront head on. I am pursuing my bachelor's degree in Professional and Technical Writing with a specialization in Biology, with the intention to continue my education in medical school. I've worked with countless numbers of children that I can affirm the needs and wants of children but medically speaking, I am intrigued in learning more and helping to effectively change the lives of children by becoming a pediatrician. Once I graduate from school, I intend to start medical school in hopes that I will determine my specialty within pediatrics. I am working my way towards the necessary skills, personality, and humble and positive attitude to become an effective and efficient pediatrician in the medical field some day. E-Portfolio Summary Hello all! My name is Folayemi Alexis Akinbolaji, a Nigerian female who loves to read and write and also has a passion for fashion. My love for reading came at an early age when I started thoroughly reading at the age of four. It progressed significantly over the years and till this day, you’ll always find a book in my hand. My love for fashion sprung about as I grew up with two older sisters and wanted to look good in clothing just as much as they did. Growing up, I was the typical straight A student as I accelerated in each grade and was always eager to learn more. My sisters envied me because of it but all throughout high school I struggled with knowing what I wanted to do with my life. I knew I wanted to go to college but what to do with my life after the fact; I had no clue. Then, I realized not only did I just love fashion but children too. So I thought to myself, I can’t teach them therefore I’ll help them. So here I am as a Professional & Technical Writing major with a concentration in Biology to some day become a pediatrician. I know there is a lot of work ahead of me to have people some day call me Dr. Akinbolaji and I plan on successfully reaching this goal with everything I have in me. I’m hoping this major will help me professionally in the real world and in the medical field as I work towards a future that I can be proud of.

9 What makes a Profile Picture Significant? *One of the key components of having an online presence is a photo to match. It is better to have a photo than to not have one at all



12 WORKS CITED Bret Eynon, Laura M. Gambino, Judit Torok. “What Difference Can ePortfolio Make? A Field Report from the Connect to Learning Project.” 2014. Print. Knight, William E. The Relationship Between Electronic Portfolio Participation and Student Success. Bowling Green, Ohio, n.d. Print. Nelson, Sharleen. 3 Keys for a Successful E-Portfolio Implementation. Oregon: The Journal, 2011. Print. Is Your Social Media Presence an Accurate Portrayal of Who You Are? The Social Media Effect: Are You Really Who You Portray Online The Presentation of Self in the Age Social Media Self-presentation and belonging on Facebook Understanding Digital Literacies: A Practical Introduction- Jones & Hafner Producing New and Digital Media: Your Guide to Savvy Use of the Web- Cohen & Kenny Stephenson, JodiAnn. LinkedIn Professional Community. Prezi. 2015. Hogan, Bernie. “The Presentation of Self in the Age of Social Media: Distinguishing Performances and Exhibitions Online.” SAGE (2010): 1-10. Print. Kramer, Nicole C. Kramer & Winter, Stephan. “Impression Management 2.0.” Journal of Media Psychology (2008): 1-11. Print.

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