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Presented by:. 22  Present and discuss Hunter Douglas’s approach to recognizing and preventing workplace bullying.  Explore opportunities to increase.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by:. 22  Present and discuss Hunter Douglas’s approach to recognizing and preventing workplace bullying.  Explore opportunities to increase."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by:

2 22  Present and discuss Hunter Douglas’s approach to recognizing and preventing workplace bullying.  Explore opportunities to increase safety committee collaboration.

3 33  When you hear the word “bully” what other words come to mind….?

4 44  “Repetitive aggressive behavior that can be physical, verbal, or social. It creates an imbalance of power through intimidation. Bullying behaviors can include pushing, shoving, invasion of space, persistent repetitive insults, teasing or taunting, constant criticism, rumors, humiliation or ridicule.” WBI  Bullying can involve an imbalance of power (position or personal power) with the intent to cause harm.

5 55  Abusive workplace conduct that can be physical, verbal, non verbal or psychological.  Repeated mistreatment: sabotage by others that prevented work from getting done, verbal abuse, threatening conduct, intimidation, & humiliation.  Aggressive or unreasonable behavior against a co- worker.

6 6 Training Video

7 77  Berated in front of colleagues  Being gossiped about  Being the target of office pranks  Being humiliated through criticism, sarcasm, and/or insults, especially in front of other employees  Not being included in important meetings  Getting the silent treatment from co-workers  Excluded from workplace social events

8 8 Harassment  Illegal  Focuses on protected class  Offensive language, comments, jokes, conduct Bullying  Legislation in CA, pending in other states  Focuses on criticism, competence  Interpersonal aggression

9 99  Setting unrealistic standards and deadlines which are unachievable or arbitrarily changed without notice or reason.  Giving excessive unreasonable and unending amounts of work to an employee.  Unreasonably creating conflict or refusing to work with a co-worker.

10 10  Gossiping or spreading rumors about co-workers, including planting of false information or using private or confidential information to defame or destroy the reputation of a co-worker.  Sabotaging another employee’s work or copying, plagiarizing or stealing work from a co-worker and passing it off as your own.

11 11  The use of put-downs, insults, and name-calling.  Taunting, teasing, or making jokes about a co-worker when the intent is to embarrass and humiliate.  Yelling, screaming, sarcasm or other verbal abuse with the intent to threaten, intimidate, or humiliate.

12 12  Menacing a co-worker with threatening looks, gestures, and body language.  Hazing or initiatives that seek to physically or psychologically embarrass or humiliate a new co- worker.  Deliberately isolating or excluding a co-worker from work related activities.

13 13  62% of bullies are men.  Women bullies target women in 80% of cases.  Bullying is 4X more prevalent than illegal harassment.  The majority (68%) of bullying is same-gender harassment. *Workplace Bullying Institute

14 14  Recognize  Speak Up  Stand Up  Follow Up

15 15  Treat all colleagues with respect and dignity;  Respect the diversity brought to the workplace by other employees;  Challenge inappropriate behavior/objectionable conduct when it happens and refuse to participate in that behavior;  Make objections known to alleged harasser or an appropriate person, such as direct supervisor, manager, or Human Resources;  Cooperate and share openly and honestly in workplace investigations.

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17 17  Cooperation  The act of working together with someone or doing what they ask.  Assistance or willingness to assist.  Collaboration  The ability to share thoughts, ideas openly.  Come up with a combined answer, response, solution about a topic or issue.

18 18  When collaborating with others, it is tempting to say that you like something, or that you think something is good, just to be polite. In reality, this does not advance the project or idea being collaborated on. Any collaborative project should reflect the will of all those involved. By holding in what you really think, for the sake of avoiding hurting someone else's feelings, you destroy the opportunity for honest communication in a collaborative environment.

19 19  Define the goal  Determine decision-makers  Avoid collaboration fatigue

20 20 Collaborate on actions that facilitate:  Analysis: Identify and get rid of any hazards, reassess regularly  Involvement: Employees and managers need to be involved in the safety plan.  Maintenance: Keep equipment maintained and train employees how to handle them.  Training: Training employees in safety and wellness and hold occasional safety drills.

21 21 

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