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Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) Fishing for Space Pan-Baltic stakeholder workshop on Fishing for Space Vilnius,

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Presentation on theme: "Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) Fishing for Space Pan-Baltic stakeholder workshop on Fishing for Space Vilnius,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) Fishing for Space Pan-Baltic stakeholder workshop on Fishing for Space Vilnius, 14th October 2013 A. Schultz-Zehden, s.Pro Palanga, 2 December, 2013

2 Participants who have filled in questionnaire - 25 Poland: 2 Russia: 2 Denmark: 2 Norway: 1 Latvia: 2 Germany: 2 Sweden: 3 The Netherlands: 2 Estonia: 2 Finland: 1 International: 2

3 Consultations and involvement of fisheries in MSP Independent funding to enable all stakeholders to participate => “disagreement” on whether fishery should be enabled to participate in MSP or MSP should talk their language – go to fishery Create transparent process Create clear pattern of expectations Consider independent facilitation Fisheries data for MSP Data needed: spatial extent, resolution & distribution of fishing activities & essential fish habitats & connectivity Controlled harmonized systems Fish to be considered: threatened / endangered or commercially exploited Lack of international access to anonymised VMS – regulation should be understood that fisheries advice also includes MFSD & MSP More information needed on recreational fisheries & mariculture development Main topics & recommendations from workshop

4 Essential Fish Habitats in MSP Essential fish habitats should be taken into account in MSP Integration between MSP and ICM welcome Essential Fish habitats should be treated as priority areas Integration of Fisheries and MSP in practice Involvement of Fisheries in MSP should be “prepared” and facilitated through good practices such as pilot projects, cross-border fora, discussions & data compilations Fisheries spatial measures (i.e. seasonal, gear type) “could” be discussed Stress on synergies and other activities Recreational fisheries (commercial tourist / local population – subsistence) components might be beneficial Workshop on Fisheries for Space

5  Do not have only presentations of “experts” on fishery & MSP => but actually listen / involve the sector directly  Much higher percentage of real sector people needed in order to have “real” discussion  High disagreement on “benefits” of allocating special areas for fishery – fear that this is traded off against giving space away  Also disagreement on benefits of “closing” areas Some lessons learned

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