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UOW Internet Traffic Management & Accounting System Presented by Michele Grange Senior Manager, Business Services Unit, ITS University of Wollongong.

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Presentation on theme: "UOW Internet Traffic Management & Accounting System Presented by Michele Grange Senior Manager, Business Services Unit, ITS University of Wollongong."— Presentation transcript:

1 UOW Internet Traffic Management & Accounting System Presented by Michele Grange Senior Manager, Business Services Unit, ITS University of Wollongong

2 About Me Senior Manager Business Services, ITS So don’t ask me about our network But you can ask me about our service

3 Our Journey Since 2005 UOW has managed traffic on a Fac/Div cost recovery basis up until this year. Internally developed traffic management system mix of proxy and border authentication for direct IP. Online services for students to access history and apply for increases. No quota applies to staff and postgraduates Student quotas apply to undergrads 400mb in 2010, 1GB in 1 st session 2011, then 2GB in 2 nd session to 3GB 2 nd session 2012. with ability to request increases but no option to purchase, blocked when hit quota. Student mail on Live@edu moving to 365 Student residences on a 3 rd party provider

4 Need for change The cost recovery model was very effective at managing traffic within the AARnet subscription holding costs to the University Model a disincentive rather than enabling service with introduction of offpeak and larger subscriptions. Unable to move student quotas whilst faculties perceived a cost implication.

5 Implementation of the new Network Implemented CISCO still some patches to complete but a successful upgrade of the network and telephony Included SCE & Obsidian traffic management system No further work on inhouse internet traffic management system Voice billing implemented on obsidian commencing January 2012 (2 years) Data project under review – At this stage recommendation is not to proceed.

6 Where did this leave us…. An obsolete traffic management system – not recognising offpeak traffic No attribution of direct iptraffic – which side should they have put the SCE on? Note: Undergrads can’t border auth Upgraded proxies providing good attribution data An underutilised service because of cost disincentives present in the current cost recovery model A negative view of our provider – What ISP could possibly charge $50 per GB

7 Revised Traffic Management Model Established a working part in 2011 with a view to overhauling our cost recovery model At the start of 2012 Moved to central funded model Still using inhouse traffic management system Org units allocated an “offnet” subscription (apportioned based on previous usage history). Allocations significantly higher than previous usage. Allocation set aside for central services and unattributable traffic types (includes inability to attribute direct Ip with new network) Quarterly bonus allocation from unused subscription applied to org units shared by apportion. Promoting offpeak to staff on the basis that it will deliver the bonuses to faculties and result in increased quotas for students.

8 How is it going? Student quotas increased to 3GB per session still with ability to request increases. Staff and postgrad usage managed focussing on top users Q4 look good to allocate additional 2GB for a total of 5GB for the session.

9 Student usage @ 1GB session 1 2011 total traffic total 2562 GB @ 2GB session 2 2011 total traffic total 3992 GB 56% increase @ 2GB session 1 2012 total traffic total 5512 GB 38% increase @ 3GB session 2 2012 July traffic total 510GB compared to 169GB when 2GB in 2012 a 200% increase

10 Moving forward A decision on Obsidian and SCE Options re attributing traffic offpeak & onpeak on inhouse traffic management system Allocations & student quotas onpeak only Attributing direct IP traffic (maybe we can move the SCE) Throttling instead of blocking Can we deliver the service into the residences?

11 Questions? Perhaps answers?

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