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1 Text Layout Introduction (1-4) Team Skill 1 – Analyzing the problem (5-7) Team Skill 2 – Understanding User and Stakeholder Needs (8-13) Team Skill 3.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Text Layout Introduction (1-4) Team Skill 1 – Analyzing the problem (5-7) Team Skill 2 – Understanding User and Stakeholder Needs (8-13) Team Skill 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Text Layout Introduction (1-4) Team Skill 1 – Analyzing the problem (5-7) Team Skill 2 – Understanding User and Stakeholder Needs (8-13) Team Skill 3 – Defining the System (14-17) Team Skill 4 – Managing Scope (18-19) Team Skill 5 – Refining the System Definition ( 20-24) Team Skill 6 – Building the Right System (25-31)

2 2 Establishing Project Scope Chapter 18

3 3 Problem of Project Scope Project scope is a function of…  The functionality that must be delivered to meet the user’s needs  The resources available to the project  The time available in which to achieve the implementation

4 4 Problem of Project Scope Resources – primarily labor  Brooks [1975] demonstrated that adding resources to a software project is risky and would most likely hurt the schedule Time  Sometimes time is fixed – i.e. tax software Assume both resources and time is fixed, the scope is depicted as the area of the box. Achievable scope – when the effort required to implement the system features is equal to the resources available during the scheduled time TimeResources Scope Deadline

5 5 The Requirements Baseline Requirements baseline definition  The itemized set of features intended to be delivered in a specific version of the application As mentioned in team skill 3, we start with a list of 25-50 features Any more than 50 is probably too much detail Any less than 25 is probably not enough Let users set the priorities not the development team

6 6 Example: Shrink-wrapped Software Product Feature List 1. External relational database support 2. Multi-user security 3. Ability to clone a project 4. Portability to a new operating system release 5. New project wizard 6. Import of external data by style 7. Implementation of tool tips 8. Integration with a version-manager system

7 7 Shrink-wrapped Software Product Feature List FeaturePriority 1. External relational database support Critical 4. Portability to a new operating system release Critical 6. Import of external data by styleCritical 3. Ability to clone a projectImportant 2. Multi-user securityImportant 5. New project wizardImportant 7. Implementation of tool tipsUseful 8. Integration with a version- manager system Useful

8 8 Assessing Effort Establish the rough level of effort implied by each feature of the proposed baseline  Rough Order of Magnitude – ROM  Include the development team in the estimate  Use past project if possible  Use expert judgment Do this early in the project to understand at a high level the scope  Delaying this until later may mean that some analysis is wasted when it is found out that this is 200% of what can be done

9 9 Risk Risk in this context  Probability that the implementation of a feature will cause an adverse impact on the schedule and/or budget  Can also think of this as uncertainty of the estimate Risk Mitigation  No need to mitigate all risks  But if a feature is of high risk and critical priority…then risk mitigation is a must

10 10 Prioritized Features List with Effort and Risk Estimates FeaturePriorityEffortRisk 1. External relational database support CriticalMediumLow 4. Portability to a new operating system release CriticalHighMedium 6. Import of external data by styleCriticalLowHigh 3. Ability to clone a projectImportantHighMedium 2. Multi-user securityImportantLowHigh 5. New project wizardImportantLow 7. Implementation of tool tipsUsefulLowHigh 8. Integration with a version- manager system UsefulHighLow

11 11 Scope Prioritization AttributeConsider Priority: Critical Effort: High Risk: High Alarm! Establish immediate risk-mitigation strategy; resource immediately; focus on feasibility with architecture Priority: Critical Effort: High Risk: Low A likely critical resource-constrained item; resource immediately Priority: Critical Effort: Low Risk: Low Resource as a safety factor, or defer until later

12 12 Shrink-wrapped Software Product Feature List FeaturePriorityEffort 1. External relational database supportCriticalMedium 4. Portability to a new operating system release CriticalHigh 6. Import of external data by styleCriticalLow 3. Ability to clone a projectImportantHigh Baseline (features above this line are features) 2. Multi-user securityImportantLow 5. New project wizardImportantLow 7. Implementation of tool tipsUsefulLow 8. Integration with a version-manager system UsefulHigh

13 13 HOLIS Project List of prioritized features on page 220 Baseline for v1.0 on page 221/222 Notice that estimates were revised on page 221/222 The team has now baselined and committed to this list of features with the available resources and time

14 14 Key Points Project scope is a combination of product functionality, project resources, and available time Brooks’ law states that adding labor to a late software project makes it even later If the effort required to implement the system features is equal to the resources available during the scheduled time, the project has an achievable scope Overscoped projects are typical. In many projects, it will be necessary to reduce the scope by as much as a factor of two The first step in establishing project scope is to establish a high-level requirements baseline

15 15 Managing Your Customer Chapter 19

16 16 Managing Your Customer Engage customers to manage their project scope  A customer who is part of the process will own the result Communicate the result  Never surprise the customer or wait until the last minute to deliver bad news Negotiate with the customer  Try to put yourself in the position to under-promise and over-deliver Manage the baseline  Official Changes High level features added or changes, impact must be assessed and more time given or reprioritization if necessary  Unofficial Changes Internal to the development team and must be managed like any other change

17 17 Key Points Managing your customers means engaging them in managing their requirements and their project scope Customers who are part of the process will own the result Getting the job done right means providing enough functionality at the right time to meet the customers’ real needs Negotiating skills are an invaluable aid to the scope management challenge

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