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Propaganda Mrs. Heinzer. Propaganda  Bandwagon  Testimonial  Transfer  Repetition  Emotional Words.

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Presentation on theme: "Propaganda Mrs. Heinzer. Propaganda  Bandwagon  Testimonial  Transfer  Repetition  Emotional Words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Propaganda Mrs. Heinzer

2 Propaganda  Bandwagon  Testimonial  Transfer  Repetition  Emotional Words

3 Bandwagon  Persuade people to do a certain thing because many other people are doing it.  For example: A commercial of a large group of people dancing and singing while drinking a soft drink. People feel induced to drink the soft drink because it is shown to be consumed by many.

4 Testimonial  Technique uses words of an expert or a famous person to promote a particular idea.  For example: a sports person is shown recommending a brand of sport shoe

5 Transfer  Technique that uses qualities of a known person that are associated with a product to promote or demote it.  Linking an item to a respected person is positive transfer.  Creating an analogy between a disliked person and a product is negative transfer

6 Repetition  When the product name is repeated many times during an advertisement. This technique may use a jingle, which is appealing to the masses and fits into their minds.

7 Emotional Words  Generates postive feelings in the minds of the masses. Words like ‘luxury’, ‘paradise’, are used to evoke certain feelings in the minds of the people, which they associate with the product being sold.

8 Activity  Create an advertisement persuading people to stay at ”Ship Trap” Island.  Circle one type of propaganda from the chart you will use in your ad. Tell how SPECIFICALLY you will use it in your ad.  Make sure your ad is clear and convincing and uses propaganda.  Use the rubric to help you in the process.

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