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NASA LANCE User Working Group February 12 th, 2014 11am – 12pm WebEx and dial in information on next page 1.

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Presentation on theme: "NASA LANCE User Working Group February 12 th, 2014 11am – 12pm WebEx and dial in information on next page 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 NASA LANCE User Working Group February 12 th, 2014 11am – 12pm WebEx and dial in information on next page 1

2 LANCE UWG Telecom - 12th February 20142 Telecom: Dial - 1.866.817.9414 Code - 3294426# ----------------------------------------------------- WebEx Information ------------------------------------------------------- Topic: LANCE_UWG Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00) Meeting Number: 995 330 717 Meeting Password: lance123! To join the online meeting go to:

3 Agenda 3LANCE UWG Telecom - 12th February 2014 1.Welcome – Chris Justice, UWG Chair (5 mins) 2.Status, Actions, Accomplishments – Diane Davies / Kevin Murphy (10 mins) including the following updates: Summary Metrics Results of LANCE ACSI Survey LANCE data now searchable in REVERB with NRT flag Worldview update (NRT data downloads) Outreach 3.Update on AMSR2 (measurement continuity) and MISR NRT Winds product – Helen Conover and Kevin Murphy (10 mins) 1.LANCE Element updates (15 mins) a.MODIS – Ed Masuoka Collection 6 schedule Product Enhancements: Rolling NDVI and BRDF/Surface Albedo b.MLS and AIRS - Feng Ding c.OMI - Phil Durbin 2.Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) for NRT data Diane / Kevin (10 mins) 3.Ongoing Activities and Schedule – Diane / Kevin (5 mins) 1.Closing and Time-frame for Next Meeting – Chris (5 mins)

4 Status, Actions and Accomplishments LANCE UWG Telecom – 12th Feb. 2014

5 Latency 5 Latency - now from the mid-point of observation time to archive time. Minimum latency between NRT and NRT2 for same granule

6 Distribution 6LANCE UWG Telecom - 12th February 2014 In 2013 LANCE archived 7.98 TB and distributed 16.5 TB per week

7 LANCE UWG Telecom - 12th February 20147 Worldview Metrics

8 Data collection via e-mail invitation CFI Group sent out 5,959 email invitations. 536 individuals completed the survey resulting in a response rate of 9%; 524 were valid for analysis*. LANCE America Customer Satisfaction Index Measure customer satisfaction with NASA Land Atmosphere Near real- time Capability for EOS (LANCE) Assess the trends in satisfaction with NASA EOSDIS specifically in the following areas: Usage Delivery Customer Support Search & Download Data Search & Download Visualization WHAT HOW Data collection: October 22 – November 11, 2013 Summary slides and report are available on LANCE wiki

9 9 © 2013 CFI Group. All rights reserved. NASA LANCE outscores National ACSI in baseline measure and federal government average. Baseline score (78) is within the range of other federal agency information providers. Baseline score (78) is on par with other information providers Benchmarking

10 10 © 2013 CFI Group. All rights reserved. Drivers of satisfaction indicate solid performance across all areas. Three out of five components score in the 80s. Customer Support is area of greatest strength CSI & Component Scores

11 11LANCE UWG Telecom - 12th February 2014 More information on how to use the data. Tutorials or instructional videos. Spanish Translation. Product Enhancements: MODSCAG Expansion to marine parameters (SST, Coastal chlorophyll etc) OMPS (S-NPP) datasets from VIIRS Produce MODIS tiled reflectance products as soon as possible (not at the end of the day). LANCE America Customer Satisfaction Index Types of cross-cutting comments from users

12 NRT Holdings in ECHO Reverb Visual Indicators Quickly Call Out NRT Collections

13 NASA Worldview – Data Download

14 Outreach 14LANCE UWG Telecom - 12th February 2014 NRT session at AGU Fall Meeting: 13 Oral and 19 poster presentations given LANCE presentation at NASA Booth New LANCE Flyers Tri-fold Flyer and one-page flyers on LANCE, Worldview and FIRMS In progress 2 Book chapters for “Time Sensitive Remote Sensing” (to be published by Springer)

15 LANCE UWG Telecom - 12th February 201415

16 Update on AMSR2 LANCE UWG Telecom – 12th Feb. 2014 Helen Conover and Kathryn Regner

17 Preliminary LANCE AMSR2 Enhancement Request AMSR2 aboard the JAXA GCOM-W1 (Global Change Observation Mission- Water) satellite was successfully launched into orbit on 18 May 2012 AMSR2 was inserted into the A-train orbit on 29 Jun 2012 and first light image was 3 Jul 2012 AMSR2 is very similar to AMSR-E Same frequencies: 6.9 (7.3), 10.6, 18.7, 23.8, 36.5 and 89.0GHz AMSR2 2.0m antenna is larger than the 1.6m AMSR-E antenna AMSR2 effective swath width ~1618 km vs. 1459 km for AMSR-E AMSR2 has a slightly higher IFOV resolution (scan x along track) AMSR2AMSR-E 6.9GHz35x62 km vs. 43x75 km 10.6GHz24x42 km 29x51 km 18.7GHz14x22 km16x27 km 23.8GHz15x26 km18x32 km 36.5GHz 7x12 km 8x4 km 89.0GHz 3x5 km 4x6 km

18 LANCE AMSR2 Data Products Flow Worked with ESDIS to select these AMSR Products and Use Cases Snow Depth (land transportation applications) Sea Ice Concentration (shipping and fishing applications) Soil Moisture (drought and flooding applications) Level-1A Raw Observation Counts (restricted) Level-1B Brightness Temperatures (published) Level-1R Spatially Resampled Brightness Temperatures Level-0 GBAD Ephemeris and Science Rate Buffered Data L2B Ocean (1/2-orbit) L2B Land (1/2-orbit) L2B Rain (1/2-orbit) L3 Ocean (Daily) L3 Land (Daily) L3 Snow (Daily) Near Real Time Ingest from EDOS Processed at JAXA On Demand ~ 29 times per day Processed at LANCE AMSR2 On Demand ~ 29 times per day Multiple times per day L3 Sea Ice (Daily, 3 Res) L3 Sea Ice Drift (Daily)

19 Near-Real Time Data from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) Expected Significance: Ensure the continuity of a research-quality and self- consistent record of a variety of global datasets that the climate research community has relied upon from AMSR-E. Approach : Set up ingest of Level-1 data from JAXA o Request in to JAXA for L1R product in near real time Work with AMSR2 U.S. Science Team to update AMSR-E processing automation for the AMSR2 instrument Generate Level-2 swath and Level-3 daily products in near real time Provide imagery to the Rapid Response System Science Team: Roy Spencer, UAH, PI for AMSR2 U.S. Science Team Land: Eni Njoku, Tom Jackson Ocean Suite: Chris Kummerow Rain: Chris Kummerow Sea Ice: Thorsten Markus, Joey Comiso, Don Cavalieri Snow: Marco Tedesco Notional Schedule: 2014: Stand up LANCE AMSR2 system with applicable AMSR2 science algorithms based on LANCE AMSR-E heritage 2015: Work with JAXA and US AMSR2 Science Teams to begin near-real-time processing with beta versions of algorithms LANCE AMSR2 Proposed Architecture and Data Flow (Full Redundancy) AMSR-E Rain Rate Image Displayed on Rapid Response System

20 Update on MISR NRT Winds Product LANCE UWG Telecom – 12th Feb. 2014 Background: Action from the UWG in May 2013 was for LANCE to work with the JPL MISR team to look at process, cost and latency and determine whether latency explore the latency of the standard products could meet the 5-hour requirement from the winds community.

21 Updates from LANCE Elements – MODIS LANCE UWG Telecom – 12th Feb. 2014 Product Enhancements: – Rolling NDVI – Rolling BRDF/Surface Albedo Collection 6

22 LANCE-MODIS and MODIS Collection 6 products Edward Masuoka

23 What is new in C6 ? Improvements in all land products - from improved Calibration, Cloud Mask, Geolocation and Land Water Mask Improvement in LSR, LST, AF, Snow and BRDF/Albedo from product specific algorithm changes LAI/Fpar and GPP/PSNnet produced at 500m resolution. VI suite of products generated from 8-day composite reflectance products (MOD09A1/MYD09A1) BRDF/Albedo produced daily at 500m resolution, 1km resolution product will be discontinued. Expect C6 LST to replace C5 and C41 and include two new products – MO[Y]D11B2, MO[Y]D11B3. Snow products will only contain Snow Cover Fraction. Snow Cover Map will be discontinued. New L2G-lite products – Snow, Ocean bands, thermal bands [More information on C6 improvements in background slides 44-54]

24 Overview of current processing LANCE-MODIS runs on two processing systems housed in separate computing facilities in Building 32 at Goddard Space Flight Center These 2 systems provide access to near real-time MODIS Collection 5 products via web and ftp They also produce imagery used at the LANCE web site real-time-data/ real-time-data/

25 Current near real-time products LevelMissionDisciplineProduct 1Terra/AquaAllGeolocation Fields 1Terra AquaAllLevel 1B Calibrated Radiances 1Terra/AquaAllLevel 1B Calibrated Radiances 5Km 2Terra/AquaAtmosphereCloud Mask 2Terra/AquaAtmosphereAerosol and Total Precipitable Water 2Terra/AquaAtmosphereCloud Product 2Terra/AquaLandSnow Cover 2Terra/AquaLandSea Ice 2Terra/AquaLandThermal Anomalies/Fire 2, 2gTerra/AquaLandSurface Reflectance 2gTerra/AquaLandDaytime and Nighttime Thermal Bands 3TerraLandDaily Rolling 8-day Surface Reflectance 3TerraLandDaily Rolling 8-day Vegetation Indices

26 Current near real-time products LevelMissionDisciplineProduct 3Terra/AquaLandDaily Surface Reflectance 0.05 Degree 3Terra/AquaAtmosphereDaily Aerosol Optical Thickness 0.05 Degree imageTerra/AquaAtmosphereAtmosphere Level 2 browse imageTerra/AquaAtmosphereGlobal Composite Level 2 browse imageTerra/AquaLandBrowse for LANCE-MODIS web imageTerra/AquaLandLevel 2 Corrected Reflectance for Worldview imageTerra/AquaLandL2G Corrected Reflectance for Worldview imageTerra/AquaAtmos/LandAtmosphere/Land layers for Worldview textTerra/AquaLandThermal Anomalies/Fire 1km Text file for FIRMS 3Terra/AquaLandAerosol Optical Depth (value added) 3TerraLandDaily Rolling 8-day Surface Reflectance 3TerraLandDaily Rolling 8-day Vegetation Indices* * Running on nrt2 only

27 MODIS Collection 6 All Level 1 products (geolocation, calibrated radiances, cloud mask and atmospheric profiles) have been produced Aqua Atmosphere Level 2 products have been produced for years 2002-2006 and 2008 and reprocessing is running at the rate of 1 month of data products per day. Land products are going though final deliveries and testing. We expect to start their reprocessing next month at a rate similar to Atmospheres.

28 Collection 6 Near Real-Time The two processing strings, nrt1 and nrt2, can not run both Collection 5 and Collection 6 processing and maintain the required latency. I’ve planned separate processing strings for Collection 6. One string, nrt3, will be built with new servers, storage and network switches. These items are on order. We will need time to install, configure and test the new hardware and to adapt Collection 6 PGEs for near real-time processing. I am estimate a June 2014 start. The other new string, nrt4, will use a MODAPS processing instance that will be available after the Collection 6 reprocessing ends in December. This will be operational in January 2015.

29 Updates for AIRS and MLS – Feng Ding Improved image service Added more AIRS WMS images: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 850hPa, 700hPa, 600hPa, 500hPa, and 400hPa. Serve GIBS/Worldview through WMS instead of WCS. LANCE UWG Telecom – 12th Feb. 2014 Instrument status is stable and no more obvious degrading of microwave channel over the past year. AIRS L1B version 5 (VIS/NIR radiances, microwave brightness temps) AIRS L2 version 6 (standard retrieval, cloud cleared radiances, support product) MLS L2 version 3 (Temperature, Water Vapor, O3, CO, HNO3, N2O, SO2)

30 Updates from LANCE Elements - OMI LANCE UWG Telecom – 12th Feb. 2014 Instrument status is essentially unchanged over the past year. No new anomalies over the last year. OMI NRT data has been added into the Echo. Incorporated new versions of the retrieval algorithms for Aerosols (OMAERUV) and Clouds (OMCLDRR)

31 Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) for NRT data? LANCE UWG Telecom – 12th Feb. 2014

32 Ongoing Activities Planned for Completion in FY14 LANCE UWG Telecom – 12th Feb. 2014 NRT production of MODIS Collection 6 NRT Rolling BRDF DOIs for NRT data Complete the following: –LANCE Chapters in Time Sensitive Remote Sensing Book to be published by Springer –Add NRT Rolling NDVI: final checks, create metadata –Analysis of downloaded granules by location with a view to determining if Direct Broadcast could be used to further reduce latencies –Revisit mapping of LANCE capabilities to GEOSS Societal Benefit Areas –Plan NRT workshop with other groups –Continue to work with MISR team to explore NRT options –Determine level of effort to transition from FTP to HTTPS

33 Closing and time frame for next meeting 33LANCE UWG Telecom - 12th February 2014

34 Background Slides 34LANCE UWG Telecom - 12th February 2014

35 LANCE wiki 35LANCE UWG Telecom - 12th February 2014 Visit the LANCE Wiki for access to NASA LANCE 2013 ACSI Survey Results LANCE Flyers Generic LANCE presentations Conference presentations and posters LANCE UWG minutes, summaries and presentations Please note URS registration is required for access to the wiki Register for a User Registration System (URS) Account: If you think you have an account, but can't remember the username, get a username reminder: If you have an account, but can't remember the password, reset your password: You will receive an email from the User Registration System, follow the instructions in the email to set a permanent password. Go to and log in with your permanent password. Once you have logged into the ECE, contact us at when you have completed the above steps, and we will give you the proper permissions to view the areas that you need access to.

36 Latency Metrics for 2009 - 2013 36LANCE UWG Telecom - 12th February 2014

37 37

38 LANCE UWG Telecom - 12th February 201438

39 LANCE UWG Telecom - 12th February 201439

40 LANCE UWG Telecom - 12th February 201440

41 41LANCE UWG Telecom - 12th February 2014 Users learn of NRT via Internet and Lance website; Fire area of most need FIRMS and Rapid Response most used; 48% want data with 3 hours Website or Internet most used for search; 88% find needed info Email alerts, FTP and Web services among most preferred method Most using assistance get help on first request LANCE America Customer Satisfaction Index Key Findings

42 Data Set Short NameData Set Long Name Sample Imagery AE_L2A_NRTNRT AMSR-E/Aqua L2A Global Swath Spatially-Resampled Brightness Temperatures (Tb) AE_Ocean_NRTNRT AMSR-E/Aqua L2B Global Swath Ocean Products derived from Wentz Algorithm AE_Land_NRTNRT AMSR-E/Aqua L2B Surface Soil Moisture, Ancillary Parms, & QC EASE-Grids AE_Rain_NRTNRT AMSR-E/Aqua L2B Global Swath Rain Rate/Type GSFC Profiling Algorithm AE_Land3_NRTNRT AMSR-E/Aqua Daily L3 Surface Soil Moisture, Interpretive Parms, & QC EASE-Grids LANCE AMSR-E Products 42

43 AE_DyOcn_NRTNRT AMSR-E/Aqua Daily L3 Ascending/Descending.25x.25 deg Ocean Grids AE_DySno_NRTNRT AMSR-E/Aqua Daily L3 Global Snow Water Equivalent EASE-Grids AE_SI6_NRTNRT AMSR-E/Aqua Daily L3 6.25 km 89 GHz Brightness Temperature (Tb) Polar Grids AE_SI12_NRTNRT AMSR-E/Aqua Daily L3 12.5 km Tb, Sea Ice Conc., & Snow Depth Polar Grids AE_SI25_NRTNRT AMSR-E/Aqua Daily L3 25 km Tb and Sea Ice Concentration Polar Grids LANCE AMSR-E Products 43

44 Collection 6 Land Product Improvements Sadashiva Devadiga

45 Ancillary Inputs C6 Land Water Mask Shows improvement in definition of small inland water features, lakes, shorelines and improvement in definition of rivers. Addresses the issue of geolocation shift observed in the C5 LW Mask at high latitude (e.g. tile h17v00). A new dataset “water present” included in the Geolocation (MOD03) file – an indicator of percentage water in a 1km resolution pixel. A statistical comparison of 7-Class LW mask used in C5 and the new version shows class mapping for 93% of pixels matched between the two versions.

46 Multi-year Land Cover Product C5 production used one multi-year LC product for processing of land products from the entire mission. LC SCF identified many issues with the yearly LC product and also significant change in the Land Cover over years. Issues in the yearly LC product documented and posted on the QA web page.posted on the QA web page LC ST recommended using the multi-year LC generated based on 3 years of MODIS data. Multi-year land cover products available at 1km (MCDLC1KM) and 500m (MCDLCHKM) resolution for years 2001, 2004 and 2007. MCDLCHKM and MCDLC1KM will be released to public. Global browse of two product versions from 2001 posted on the LDOPE QA web pageGlobal browse of two product versions from 2001 posted on the LDOPE QA web page

47 C5 vs C6 DEM C5 DEM SRTM based gap filled Uncertain about the heritage of the approach to reducing resolution and gap filling Only available at 30 arc-sec (~1km) DEM New C6 DEM (Source: USGS and NGA, Danielson et al.) Being used at 15 arc-sec (~500m) Better data available for gap filling Using best available approach to reducing resolution and gap filling

48 Surface Reflectance Improve the aerosol retrieval and correction Implement for non-lambertian effect correction in the modeling of the coupling atmosphere surface Refine and develop internal snow/cloud/cloud shadow mask. Make use of BRDF database to better constraint the different threshold used. BRDF Correction in daily CMG product

49 Active Fire Processing extended to oceans and other large water bodies Detects off-shore gas flaring Reduce false alarms in Amazon caused by small forest clearings Dynamically adjust potential fire thresholds - vary with scan angle, location, land cover type, season, etc. Detects smaller fires Improved cloud mask Assorted minor improvements

50 C6 Snow Cover Dropped the surface temperature screen that erroneously reversed snow detection on some mountains during spring and summer in C5 For Aqua products, implemented the QIR (Quantitative Image Restoration - Gladkova et al.) to improve snow mapping using Aqua MODIS (with non-functional B6 detectors – QIR algorithm restores the B6) Dropped the binary snow product in C5 – only fractional snow algorithm will be provided using the full range of NDSI from 0.0 – 1.0; no binary product will be distributed Added new screens to alleviate snow commission errors Increased data information content in the QA data to enable better evaluation of the snow cover; QA flags set for screens applied. New products to come in the tier2 reprocessing - will use MOD09 surface reflectance instead of TOA reflectance as input 500 m cloud-gap-filled (CGF) daily snow cover, M*D10A1F 5 km cloud-gap-filled (CGF) daily snow cover, M*D10C1F 500 m snow cover extent using surface reflectance input, MOD10A1S (Terra MODIS only for now)

51 New Refinements for the C6 Daily MODIS LST PGE (PGE16) Remove cloud-contaminated LSTs not only from level-3 LST products but also from level-2 LST products (MOD11_L2 and MYD11_L2). Update the coefficient LUT for the split-window algorithm with comprehensive regression analysis of MODIS simulation data in bands 31 and 32 over wide ranges of surface and atmospheric conditions, especially extending the upper boundary for in arid and semi-arid regions and increasing the overlapping between various sub-ranges in order to reduce the sensitivity of the algorithm to the uncertainties in the input data (i.e., column water vapor and air surface temperature from MOD07 and MYD07). Make minor adjustments in the classification-based surface emissivity values, especially for land-cover type of bare soil and rocks. Tune the day/night algorithm by adjusting weights to improve its performance in desert regions where the incorporated split-window algorithm may not work well. Generate new LST products for 8-day and monthly at 6km grids (in response to user community requests).

52 BRDF/Albedo Daily rolling BRDF/Albedo in C6 replacing the 8-day rolling product in C5. Product data day is the mid of the 16-day period as opposed to first day of the 16-day period C5 doesn’t weigh the observation. In C6 observations are weighed based on temporal, observation coverage and band quality thus producing realistic Albedo for the data day (center of the 16-day period). C6 can capture smooth change in surface within the 16- day period. Backup database in C5 was land cover based. C6 will used pixel based updated from the latest full inversion. Will use all available observations as opposed to limit of 4 observations in C5 – improving the retrieval quality and number of retrievals Improved snow – C5 used majority snow-non-snow status from the 16- day period, C6 will use current day snow/non-snow status. Improved CMG product at 500m resolution.

53 Vegetation Index The C6 Algorithm developed at LDOPE under the ST guidance will produce VI consistent with the 8-day composite reflectance product (MO[Y]D09A1) – Still a 16-day composite product – Uses two 8-day composite surface reflectance products – Uses QA compositing approach similar to the C5 VI approach for selecting the observation from the two 8-day periods – Difference between C5 and C6 is minor and generally doesn’t prove either one better than the other.

54 Tier 2 Products – Product development and testing in progress Higher Level Products – Burn Area Product (MCD45A1) – Land Cover and Land Cover Change (MCD12Q1/Q2) – Vegetation Continuous Field (MOD44B) New Products – MAIAC (MOD19) – LST (Simon Hook – MOD21)

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