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Ma 375 - Communicating Mathematics Carl Eberhart and Paul Eakin Class 4 -- Getting Graphics.

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Presentation on theme: "Ma 375 - Communicating Mathematics Carl Eberhart and Paul Eakin Class 4 -- Getting Graphics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ma 375 - Communicating Mathematics Carl Eberhart and Paul Eakin Class 4 -- Getting Graphics

2 5 ways to make pictures in LaTeX n Use LaTeX picture commands n Use MS Paint to draw b&w.bmp files n Use Maple to generate color.eps files n Use Paint Shop Pro to draw color.eps files n Use commands from the PSTricks package

3 LaTeX picture commands Here is a sample picture drawn with picture commands in LaTeX. setlength{\unitlength}{.5in} \begin{picture}(7,4) \put(0,0){\vector(1,5){3} \put(2,2){$\sqrt{2}$} \end{picture}

4 MS Paint n n Launch the Paint from Accessories n n Set the size to something like 4 by 2.4 inches n n Make a drawing n n Save as monochrome bmp (say pic.bmp) in the right directory n n include graphicx in your list of packages n n put \includegraphics[height=4in,width=2.4in]{pic.bmp} in your tex file

5 Maple To graph sin(x) and x^3: n n Launch Maple (release 4 or 5) n n Then in a worksheet issue these commands plotsetup(ps,plotoutput=`pic.eps`,plotoptions =`color`); plot({sin(x),x^3},x=-Pi..Pi); n n get the file pic.eps into the right directory n n proceed as above with MS Paint

6 The PSTricks Package n n Think of this as a huge extension of the picture environment. Among other things you can write along a curve with Pstricks. n n The style files and documentation are freely available from the TeX archives

7 Paint Shop Pro n n Think of this as a better paint program n n Its main advantage over paint is that you can save in the color eps format n n It is inexpensive but high quality shareware

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