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The Art of Sonia Delaunay 1885-1979 A Renaissance Woman.

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Presentation on theme: "The Art of Sonia Delaunay 1885-1979 A Renaissance Woman."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Art of Sonia Delaunay 1885-1979 A Renaissance Woman

2 Sonia was born in Russia. Her name at birth was Sarah--Sonia is a Russian nickname. Sonia was adopted by her uncle and his family when she was five. When she grew up, she decided to study to be an artist. She married an artist--Robert Delaunay, and they had one child.

3 Here is a picture of Sonia…

4 And another picture of Sonia…


6 Sonia Loved to paint… Rhythm

7 Rhythm

8 Rhythm

9 Rhythm

10 Rhythm

11 Rhythm

12 Rhythm

13 Rhythm

14 Rhythm

15 Sonia Loved to paint with her husband, Robert. This is Robert’s.

16 So is this.

17 Sonia Loved to make Designs! Pattern

18 Pattern

19 Pattern

20 Pattern

21 Pattern

22 Pattern

23 Pattern

24 Pattern

25 Pattern

26 Pattern

27 Sonia Loved to make People!







34 Her artwork became many things. Sonia designed costumes and clothes…

35 Her artwork became many things. Sonia designed furniture…

36 Her artwork became many things. Sonia designed tapestries and rugs…

37 Sonia even designed cars!


39 Because Sonia could do so many things in art she is called a Renaissance Woman. Sonia was a very successful artist. She loved her home in France. The people of France loved her, too. In 1975 Sonia was named an officer in the French Legion of Honor. This is the highest honor that can be given in France.

40 Sonia died peacefully in her art studio at the age of 96 in 1979. Her artwork helped change how art was made. In Art…

41 We will make a homage to Sonia with watercolors. We will talk about Rhythm.

42 In Computer… We will make a homage to Sonia using KidPix to Sonia using KidPix With the funky paint brush tool OR With shapes and lines

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