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committee- a group of people commotion- noisy disturbance combine- to put together.

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3 committee- a group of people commotion- noisy disturbance combine- to put together


5 replenish – to make full again recuperate to become well again recluse – person who lives apart from the world


7 insincere- not sincere inject- to add something


9 multitude- a great number multitask- doing multiple things at once


11 transcend- to rise above or go beyond transcontinental- going across a continent


13 prologue- introduction dialogue- conversation between two or more people




17 misunderstand - understand wrongly misery- suffering misgivings- feeling of doubt or worry


19 Subside- to become less active or intense Subterranean- underground

20 Word Window You will need a ½-sheet of paper. Fold it in half, then in half again to make a “window.” 1 st box: Write one of the word stems we learned today. Example: Re = Again 2 nd box: Write a word that uses that word stem. Renovate = to make something like new again. 3 rd box: Write a synonym of the word OR draw a picture. Synonym: Remodel 4 th box: Write a personal connection to the word. We are renovating our house right now, and while it is exciting to pick out new tile, carpet and paint, I wish it was finished!

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