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I John 2:1-6 Advocacy of Christ How we know God/are known by God.

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Presentation on theme: "I John 2:1-6 Advocacy of Christ How we know God/are known by God."— Presentation transcript:


2 I John 2:1-6 Advocacy of Christ How we know God/are known by God

3 I John 2:7-11 The new old commandment John 13:34 New – authority and clarity Old – revelation and understanding

4 I John 2:12-14 Children, Young Men & Fathers Maturity: Spiritually Young Spiritually Strong Spiritually Grown






10 “Thinking and feeling lie at opposite ends of the spectrum. Human Beings are capable of either thinking or feeling, but usually not at the same time”

11 “Many people tend to confuse the two processes. It is not uncommon to hear feelings couched as thoughts and thoughts presented as feelings“

12 “A thought is something that one generates while a feeling is something one experiences. Thoughts are appraisals or opinions of what we perceive or experience. Emotions happen in response to thoughts or perceptions.”

13 When feelings disagree with thoughts, we tend to be conflicted or unhappy.

14 When feelings guide our choices, We tend to make poor decisions

15 When we refuse feelings a place, we tend to be dissatisfied.











26 Do You Know You Are Saved

27 Sabbath Misunderstood

28 We Do Not Keep the Sabbath We are not commanded to do so James 2:12 We are given a day of worship Acts 20:7, I Corinthians 16:1 The Sabbath was merely a shadow Colossians 2:16-17

29 Hebrews 4:1-11: a “Sabbath” yet remains We need to be diligent to enter it We can fall short of it by: Disobedience Being hearers only Hard hearted We Still Remember the Sabbath

30 Living by Hope Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 Remember the Sabbath

31 Living by Hope For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees? Romans 8:24 Remember the Sabbath

32 Living by Hope Believing in the reality of Heaven Living for heaven, not this life Remember the Sabbath


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