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Mercury in the Australian Environment School of Geography and Environmental Science Monash University.

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1 Mercury in the Australian Environment School of Geography and Environmental Science Monash University

2 Mercury in the Australian Environment: A preliminary investigation of biomatter and soils. D. Packham, N Tapper, D. Griepsma, J. Hellings, H. Friedle and S. Burns School of Geography and Environmental Science, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia Australian Sustainable Industry Research Centre, Churchill, Victoria, Australia. School of Applied Science, Monash University, Churchill, Victoria, Australia. National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA.





7 Sample locations

8 Walker Area Average Hg in Biomatter ppb Average fuel concentration. To/km 2 Area. Km 2 Million Burn interval years Hg emitted Tonne/year 1.2121750.61037.63 2212300361.515.1 32126000.9261.58.5 42124680.1171.59.9 5522251.17150.91 62302750.29101.83 71955250.3612.52.9 8789500.156.51.7 98311500.1476.52.2 1083160.019100.3 118011500.0616.58.6 12801180.11752.2 132902503.22307.8 Total69.6 tonnes per year Table 1. Calculation of estimated annual mercury emission (Tonnes) from biomatter burning in Australia [1]. [1] [1] The full data set is available at www. etc

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