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About Church Vitality. NCLS Research “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full” John 10:10 In the midst of all our communities Jesus.

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Presentation on theme: "About Church Vitality. NCLS Research “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full” John 10:10 In the midst of all our communities Jesus."— Presentation transcript:

1 About Church Vitality

2 NCLS Research

3 “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full” John 10:10 In the midst of all our communities Jesus is: the bread of life (John 6:35) the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6) the resurrection and the life (John 11:25) the living water (John 4:11) the light of life (John 8:12). ABOUT NCLS RESEARCH Foundations for NCLS Research Jesus Christ and his promise of life, his presence as life, is at the core of every congregation.

4 About Church Vitality Church vitality is essentially about the quality of church life. Where is your church most alive?

5 NCLS Research has identified 9 Core Qualities and 3 Attendance Measures. They are:  based on 15 years of research in Australian and international churches  all central to the life of a church  all interrelated yet also separately understood ABOUT CHURCH VITALITY Dimensions of Vitality

6 ABOUT CHURCH VITALITY Nine Core Qualities of Church Life Internal Core Qualities The inner life of the community of faith Inspirational Core Qualities Relate to leadership and direction Outward Core Qualities How churches focus beyond themselves

7 An Alive and Growing Faith Your faith commitment? Relationship with God? Private devotional practices? Growth in faith? Vital and Nurturing Worship Services bring to you an experience of God? Awe? Mystery? Boredom? Inspiration? Growth in relationship with God? Helpful preaching? Strong and Growing Belonging Your sense of belonging in this church? Levels of friendliness? Levels of conflict? Your level of participation in the life of this church? ABOUT CHURCH VITALITY Internal Core Qualities The Internal Core Qualities focus on the inner life of the community of faith. Foundational to church life, providing shape and energy to other Core Qualities:

8 Clear and Owned Vision A vision that is shared? Goals that are real and achievable? Leadership looking to the future? Inspiring and Empowering Leadership Leadership inspiring and empowering? Leadership communicates clearly? Leadership focuses on the wider community? Imaginative and Flexible Innovation Leadership encourages innovation? Congregation open to try new things? Openness to different worship style? ABOUT CHURCH VITALITY Inspirational Core Qualities These qualities relate to leadership and direction. They are the major catalysts for churches to move forward.

9 Practical and Diverse Service Involved in the church’s welfare programs? Involved in community service organisations? Helping others informally? Willing and Effective Faith-sharing Involved in the church’s evangelistic programs? Share faith with others? Invite others to church? Discuss faith matters at home? Intentional and Welcoming Inclusion How are new arrivals welcomed? How are those drifting away followed-up? ABOUT CHURCH VITALITY Outward Core Qualities These qualities are about how churches focus beyond themselves by reaching out to others.

10 NCLS Research 02 8267 4394 PO Box A2178, Sydney South, NSW 1235

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