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 Form base groups of six students  Each person in the base groups will select a list of photographic techniques to become an “expert” on: Earliest.

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3  Form base groups of six students  Each person in the base groups will select a list of photographic techniques to become an “expert” on: Earliest Techniques Expert Group: Daguerrotypes, Salt Prints, Albumen Prints One-of-a-kind Images Expert Group: Tintypes, Ambrotypes, Collodian Negatives Camera-less Techniques Expert Group: Photograms, Cyanotypes, Collage Silver Gelatin, Pigment, and Digital Expert Group Special Kinds of Photographic Prints Expert Group: Stereograph, Cartes de Visite, Cabinet Cards Color Printing Expert Group: Chromogenic, Cibachrome, Dye Transfer  Rearrange into expert groups (everyone with the same list of photographic techniques)  Collaboratively, research each photographic technique: define each technique generate a list of unique characteristics of each technique Locate at least two examples of each technique  Create a PowerPoint/Prezi to highlight the information and examples for each technique  Rearrange back into base groups and share each presentation Complete the graphic organizer based on information from each presentation

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