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South-West Region Trauma Summit Los Robles Greens Thousand Oaks, California.

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Presentation on theme: "South-West Region Trauma Summit Los Robles Greens Thousand Oaks, California."— Presentation transcript:

1 South-West Region Trauma Summit Los Robles Greens Thousand Oaks, California

2 Welcome on Behalf of:

3 California Statewide Trauma Planning Johnathan Jones, RN, BSN Trauma & Specialty Care Coordinator EMS Authority State of California

4 In case we forget…

5 We’ve Come a Long Way! Yesterday…

6 We’ve Come a Long Way! Today…

7 Public Opinion Nearly 8 in 10 Americans would be willing to pay a dime or more per year to have trauma centers & systems in their state Nearly 6 in 10 would be willing to pay $25 or more 9 in 10 Americans indicate it is extremely or very important for their state to have a trauma system A large majority of Americans feel it is extremely or very important for people in rural areas to have the same access to trauma care as do people in urban or suburban areas Coalition for American Trauma Care commissioned Harris Interactive( 2004). Survey of the public’s views of and support for trauma systems. Retrieved January 10, 2009

8 Model Trauma System Planning & Evaluation (2006)

9 Governor’s Directive (2005): I am directing EMS Authority, informed by its Trauma Advisory Committee, to complete its statewide trauma care plan…

10 California Statewide Trauma Planning

11 Recommendations Strengthen State Trauma Leadership Develop Statewide Trauma Registry Consider Trauma System Funding Develop Regionalized Approach Education

12 State Trauma System Summit July 24-25, 2008 Sacramento, California “System of Systems”

13 Trauma Regions

14 Regional Trauma Coordinating Committees Membership: ALL INCLUSIVE

15 Regional Trauma Coordinating Committees Possible Roles & Responsibilities Geographic access & appropriate transport Adult & pediatric trauma care resources Specialty resources Referral relationships between trauma & non- trauma hospitals Quality of care monitoring Financial resources to fill trauma system gaps Statewide standardized data Prevention training & education Mass casualty preparedness Research

16 California Statewide Trauma Planning Partners

17 California Strategic Highway Safety Plan Google: shsp California

18 Monkey in the Room

19 Budget Crisis Persevere through creativity Persevere (short term solutions) –Find federal & private grants –Maximize resources –Think outside the box

20 Budget Crisis Persevere through creativity Creativity (Long term) –We will resolve the budget crisis –Let’s prepare a regional solution –When the budget is resolved –Lets have a solution ready

21 Questions?

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