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Safety Matters for External Contractors Work of 1st category –W.Weingarten TIS/GS STTC –29/5/2000.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety Matters for External Contractors Work of 1st category –W.Weingarten TIS/GS STTC –29/5/2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety Matters for External Contractors Work of 1st category –W.Weingarten TIS/GS STTC –29/5/2000

2 Safety Co-ordination Legal basis: European Directive + European Directive EEC 92/57 + French Law 93-1418 + Safety regulations applicable to the work of contractors at CERN- ref.CERN/TIS-GS/98-10 may 1998 Obligation of the Project Leader (owner, maître d’ouvrage) to nominate safety co-ordinators Objective: Optimise the integration of safety in the projects: + In the conception phase + During realisation, exploitation, maintenance, dismantling

3 Some definitions 1st category: > 500 man-days with several contractors and interference of works happening on a well delimited work site 2nd category: Negation of 1st category work Project Engineer (representing Project Leader, Maître d'Ouvrage), staff member Project Manager (Maître d'Oeuvre), responsible person for designing and supervising the work from outside or inside CERN Contractor, outside firm executing the work GLIMOS, Group Leader in Matters of Safety

4 Some more definitions

5 Tasks of Project Engineer (representing the Project Leader) He is the responsible person for safety co-ordination He assures the integration of the safety co-ordinator into the course of the project as from the start Has the CISSCT established

6 Tasks of safety co-ordinators Watch that safety is integrated in the projects Assist the Project Engineer, the project manager (maître d’oeuvre), the contractors in matters of safety Assess risks in particular those stemming from co- activities and successive activities, in order to avoid accidents, professional illnesses, material damage and environmental impact

7 Reporting routes of the safety co-ordinators (for dismantling, installation) + Is employed by CERN, assigned to TIS-GS, reports to the Project Engineers and their hierarchy and informs TIS + Checks safety on the work site, gives recommendations and checks their follow up + He gets safety problems solved on a hierarchical level as low as possible; but in case of problems goes up in the hierarchy up till the GLIMOS’ (Benincasa, Schmidt, Leistam, Hilke), the responsible for the dismantling of LEP (Poole), or the LHC Project Safety Officer (Rau/Faugier) or Technical Coordinator (Faugeras) and informs TIS-GS

8 State Three coordinators for civil engineering work (Phil Ball for CMS zone, Eric Didier-Noël for ATLAS, Gilles Orry for the other) Three coordinators for dismantling, installation of LHC accelerator and experiments + the first in function since July 1998 is D. Palvadeau/Girard/Weber + the second (E. Paulat) and third attended for 2000; distribution of tasks still to be defined concerning ATLAS, ALICE, CMS, LHCb, LEP dismantling and all other LHC works

9 Among many others tasks, the Project Engineer... is helped by the the Safety co-ordinator to manage safety + He gets the PGCSPS and its annexes drafted by the safety co- ordinator + He gets the DIUO drafted by the safety co-ordinator judges on the safety documents to be joint to the PGCSPS and annexes in the call for tender + (The document “Safety Regulations Applicable to the Work of contractors at CERN” should always be joint) + Proposal: Under certain conditions WEB documents, regularly updated, the concerned persons duly informed of the update, can be declared as the binding ones

10 Tasks of safety co-ordinator + Design & conception Û Participate in technical studies in order to integrate safety during all phases of project (realisation, exploitation, interventions). Û Draw up PGCSPS, DIUO, Logbook + Tendering Û Update PGCSPS and draft annexes to PGCSPS with Project Engineer, incorporate in call for tenders, and evaluate offers on compliance with safety + Before work Û Update PGCSPS, DIUO, Logbook Û Assure that PPSPS is drawn up by contractors Û Joint inspection of work site + During the work Û Organises inspections and checks follow up Û Chairs CISSCT Û Update PGCSPS, DIUO, Log-book Û Assure application of PPSPS

11 Among many others tasks, the project manager... Receives the inspection results from the safety co- ordinator Receives the PGCSPS and PPSPS Takes part in joint inspections before the start of work with Project Engineer, Safety Co-ordinator, Contractor Is a member of CISSCT Gives his advice on the PPSPS

12 Among many others tasks, the contractor... Receives the PGCSPS Elaborates the PPSPS Is a member of the CISSCT Takes part in joint inspections with Project Engineer, Project Manager, Safety co-ordinator

13 The CISSCT Checks that rules laid down are implemented Meets at least 4 times per year Ensures smooth safety co-ordination, decides on training needs, examines serious accidents Composition + Safety Co-ordinator, Project manager, Contractor (plus wage- earner concerned) + Invited: Officials from host state authorities, and others

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