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BAT information exchange - the heart of the IED

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Presentation on theme: "BAT information exchange - the heart of the IED"— Presentation transcript:

1 BAT information exchange - the heart of the IED
Policy Landscape BAT information exchange - the heart of the IED Copenhagen, 30 November 2015 Chris ALLEN Industrial Emissions (Unit ENV C.4) European Commission, DG Environment 1 1

2 To cover: Industrial emissions directive in context
Improving the BAT information exchange Focus on Key Environmental Issues 2

3 A major emissions challenge
40% of non-GHG air emissions, 20% of water emissions Environmental and health impacts (e.g. fine PM, eutrophication, ozone) Contributions to exceedances of Environmental Quality Standards Also significant use of resources and generation of waste Significant industry contribution to 2030 air emission reduction targets: 75% of NOX, 67% of SO2, 25% of NH3, 13% of PM 3

4 7th Environment Action Programme
Recognition that complex environmental issues require: tapping into full potential of existing environmental technology ensuring a high uptake by industry of BAT ensuring the continuous development of BAT promoting the uptake of emerging innovative technologies, processes and services Will improve resource-use, reduce emissions, and stimulate the development of innovative techniques, thus greening the economy and reducing costs for industry in the longer term 4

5 Completing the set of 30+ BAT conclusions by 2020
Iron and Steel Production Food, Drink and Milk Industries Manufacture of Glass Surface Treatment Using Organic Solvents and Wood Products Preservation with Chemicals Production of Cement, Lime and Magnesium Oxide Ferrous Metals Processing (2015) Production of Chlor-alkali Common Waste Gas Treatment in the Chemical Sector (2016) Pulp and Paper Industry Textiles (2016) Refining of Mineral Oil and Gas Smitheries and Foundries (2017) Tanning of Hides and Skins Ceramic Manufacturing (2017) Wood-based Panels Production Slaughterhouses and Animals By-products (2017?) Common Waste Water and Waste Gas Treatment Surface Treatment of Metals and Plastics Non-ferrous Metals Production of Polymers Production of Speciality Inorganic Chemicals Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals – Ammonia, Acids and Fertilisers Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals – Solids and Others Organic Fine Chemicals Intensive Rearing of Poultry and Pigs Large Combustion Plants Large Volume Organic Chemicals Waste Treatments Energy Efficiency Industrial Cooling Systems Waste Incineration Emissions from Storage 5

6 What is wanted from IED? IED as a response to perceived shortcomings of IPPC Inadequate and inconsistent application of BAT: - failure to deliver the expected environmental improvements - uneven playing field for operators Desired IED outcomes reduced pollutant emissions – local, national, global (More) level playing field across EU industry revitalised - innovative ideas on reducing environmental impact and improving resource efficiency improved identification of BAT - feedback loop of high quality information to subsequent BREF reviews 6

7 To cover: Improving the BAT information exchange
Industrial emissions directive in context Improving the BAT information exchange Focus on Key Environmental Issues 7

8 BAT information exchange
Installation level data (techniques, emissions, ...) “Sevilla Process” Commission (IPPC Bureau +DG ENV) Member State experts Industry experts NGO experts BREF (with BAT conclusions)

9 Berlin workshop – main messages (1)
Reaffirmed Sevilla process and acknowledged its continuous improvements BATC (BAT-AELs) should contribute to IED objectives and broader EU environmental targets Endorsed frontloading and more focused approach Initial sector profile before the kick-off meeting Identify key environmental issues and define suitably targeted data collection priorities and procedures Generic BAT-AELs where warranted

10 Berlin workshop – main messages (2)
Smarter working methods Use web conferences ('webinars') e.g. to explain intermediate documents, to present/assess data. Data collection / questionnaires Two-step process: general data + targeted follow-up Data confidentiality Minimise: only where fully justified If unavoidable, whole TWG to be clear on how AE(P)L was derived Burden of final TWG meetings Resolve issues before the meeting, more time to prepare

11 To cover: Focus on Key Environmental Issues
Industrial emissions directive in context Improving the BAT information exchange Focus on Key Environmental Issues 11

12 Objectives of information exchange
BATc serving as the reference for permit conditions, adoption is cornerstone of IED 8-year review cycle to keep BAT conclusions up-to- date BREF guidance: TWG members to identify key data and issues for deriving or updating BATc for sector Key environmental issues (KEI) issues for which BATc have the highest likelihood of resulting in noteworthy additional environmental benefits

13 Priority setting Focus on BATc, in particular, BAT-AELs
Priorities to be set amongst all possible BATc by identifying Key Environmental Issues (KEI): which activities and processes to cover? which types of pollution? which other aspects? Consider and prioritise potential pollutants (KEI) Ensure consistency across BREFs: put overall environmental impacts into broader perspective

14 Future BREFs – focused approach
Define Key Environmental Issues (KEI) at earliest possible stage of information exchange using following criteria environmental relevance of pollution caused by the activity or process, i.e. whether it may cause an environmental problem significance of activity (# installations, geographical spread, contribution to total (industrial) emissions in EU) potential of BREF review for identifying new or additional techniques that would further significantly reduce pollution potential of BREF review for BAT-AELs that would significantly improve level of environmental protection from current emission levels

15 Information needed for identifying KEI
For applying identified criteria, information is needed before the review is started, on: the emissions of the activities concerned and their broader environmental relevance the general environmental performance of techniques applied within the sector the recent evolution of techniques applied in the sector and their environmental performance  Usefulness of initial sector profile

16 Consequences for information exchange
Need to keep in mind priorities and KEI throughout information exchange, esp. at data collection, drafting and commenting stages Implications for data collection: identified KEI: full and detailed data collection, incl. via questionnaires, to update BAT and to define BAT-AELs lowest priority issues: no new data collected; keep information and descriptions from existing BREF issues undecided at KoM: short and simplified data collection to allow decision before starting full data collection - KEI only if confirmed by additional evidence

17 Thank you
17 17

18 Member States + EFTA and Accession Countries
Industry Revision of a BREF Member States + EFTA and Accession Countries TWG kick-off meeting Commission (EIPPCB) Env. NGOs Draft 1 (D1) Comments [Draft 2 (D2)] Information Final TWG meeting BREF “Sevilla Process” Final draft Forum opinion BAT conclu- sions

19 Provisional planning future BREFs
BAT reference document (BREF) (Re)activation of the TWG Submission of Final Draft BREF to the IED Article 13 forum for its opinion Comments Intensive Rearing of Poultry and Pigs (IRPP) (first BREF adopted in 2003) 2008 2015 Review ongoing Large Volume Organic Chemicals (LVOC) (first BREF adopted in 2002) 2009 2016 Large Combustion Plants (LCP) (first BREF adopted in 2006) 2011 Waste Treatment (WT) 2013 2017 Waste Incineration (WI) 2014 2018 Food, Drink and Milk (FDM) Surface Treatment Using Organic Solvents (STS) (first BREF adopted in 2007) The review of the STS BREF includes the activity of wood and wood products preservation with chemicals (WPC) Ferrous Metals Processing (FMP) (first BREF adopted in 2001) Original activation was 2008 but the review has been on hold since 2011 due to heavy workload Common Waste Gas Treatment in the Chemical Sector (WGC) 2019 New BREF to be drawn up in order to improve effectiveness and efficiency of the review of the chemical BREFs Textiles Smitheries and Foundries (SF) (first BREF adopted in 2005)  2017 Ceramics (CER) Slaughterhouses and Animal By-products (SA) (2017) 

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