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3/19 English III Agenda TSW utilize direct references to provide support for an argument in order to prepare for their Macbeth Character Analysis Essay.

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Presentation on theme: "3/19 English III Agenda TSW utilize direct references to provide support for an argument in order to prepare for their Macbeth Character Analysis Essay."— Presentation transcript:

1 3/19 English III Agenda TSW utilize direct references to provide support for an argument in order to prepare for their Macbeth Character Analysis Essay. TSW complete comprehension questions for Macbeth by viewing the movie and discussing various scenes in order to developing an understanding of the plot development and the themes of the play. Focus: Explain how the following quote could be used to prove that Macbeth is actually unstable and that there are no witches: Macbeth: Saw you the weird sisters? Lennox: No, my lord. Macbeth: Came they not by you? Lennox: No, indeed, my lord. (IV.i.36-37) Activities: 1. Class: View and discuss Act V. 2. Individuals: Complete movie study guides. Closing: Independent reading time.

2 Focus: Explain how the following quote could be used to prove that Macbeth is actually unstable and that there are no witches: Macbeth: Saw you the weird sisters? Lennox: No, my lord. Macbeth: Came they not by you? Lennox: No, indeed, my lord. (IV.i.36-37) Similar to the scenes with Banquo’s Ghost and the dagger, in this scene it appears that Macbeth is the only one to actually see the witches. Other than Banquo, Macbeth is the only character who witnesses the strange apparitions and the witches, and how Lennox reacts to him can change the audiences view of Macbeth’s sanity. If Lennox acts incredulous or concerned by Macbeth’s questions, it will be seen by the audience as evidence that Macbeth is not really seeing all of the strange apparitions but simply imagining them in his guilt ridden mind.

3 3/20 English III Agenda TSW utilize direct references to provide support for an argument in order to prepare for their Macbeth Character Analysis Essay. TSW analyze character development and downfalls in the play Macbeth by using direct references from the text in order to develop an analytical essay. Focus: Look at the following thesis statement and quote, and explain in detail how the quote prove the thesis: Thesis: Macbeth’s tragic downfall comes indirectly from his ambition and guilt ridden mind, but the direct cause is his own arrogance which results in him making rash decisions. Realizing that he has missed his chance to dispose of Macduff, Macbeth chastises himself for not acting immediately, “The flighty purpose never is o’ertook (achieved) unless the deed go with it.” (II.i.45-46) Activities: 1. Class/Individuals: Review Macbeth Essay Topic – create thesis statement. 2. Individuals: Gather quotes to support argument. Closing: Independent reading time.

4 Focus: Look at the following thesis statement and quote, and explain in detail how the quote prove the thesis: Thesis: Macbeth’s tragic downfall comes indirectly from his ambition and guilt ridden mind, but the direct cause is his own arrogance which results in him making rash decisions. Realizing that he has missed his chance to dispose of Macduff, Macbeth chastises himself for not acting immediately, “The flighty purpose never is o’ertook (achieved) unless the deed go with it.” (II.i.45-46) Having just listened to the witches new prophecies, Macbeth feels invincible and decides to punish Macduff’s disloyalty immediately, without taking time to ponder his decision. His arrogance and feelings of superiority cause him to ignore the consequences of such a vicious and unprovoked attack on women and children. Any Thanes and lords who were beginning to question the legitimacy of his rise to power and his mental state after the banquet where Macbeth sees Banquo’s Ghost, now begin to leave him and pledge their allegiance to Malcolm.

5 3/21 English III Agenda TSW analyze character development and downfalls in the play Macbeth by using direct references from the text in order to develop an analytical essay. Focus: Explain how the following quote could be used to prove that Lady Macbeth’s ultimate downfall comes from her unwillingness to face her feelings of guilt early in the play: “My hand are of your color, but I shame to wear a heart so white…A little water clears us of this deed.” (II.i.62-65) Activities: 1. Individuals: Complete intro and 1st body paragraph for Macbeth Character Analysis Essay and conferences with teachers. Closing: Independent reading time.

6 Focus: Explain how the following quote could be used to prove that Lady Macbeth’s ultimate downfall comes from her unwillingness to face her feelings of guilt early in the play: “My hand are of your color, but I shame to wear a heart so white…A little water clears us of this deed.” (II.i.62-65) These statements come back to haunt Lady Macbeth once she has had time to process the horror of the deeds caused by the actions of Macbeth and herself. She tries to brush aside any feelings of guilt caused by her role in the murder of Duncan, but by the end of the play her guilt has so devastated her mind that she is trying to wash imaginary blood off of her hands, which no amount of water seems to be able to clean.

7 3/22 English III Agenda TSW analyze character development and downfalls in the play Macbeth by using direct references from the text in order to develop an analytical essay. Focus: Use the context of the sentence to determine the vocabulary word that best completes the sentence: 1. The positions of the stars help sailors _____________ themselves on the open seas. 2. My mother is unable to walk, but with her wheelchair she is _____________ enough to get around her one-story home, move along a sidewalk, and even shop at a mall. 3. Giant kelp, a form of seaweed, has some amazing _____________s. Not only is it the world’s fastest-growing vegetable, but the more it is cut, the faster it grows. Activities: 1. Individuals: Conference with teachers and work on Macbeth Character Analysis Essay Closing: Independent reading time.

8 Focus: Use the context of the sentence to determine the vocabulary word that best completes the sentence: 1. The positions of the stars help sailors orient themselves on the open seas. 2. My mother is unable to walk, but with her wheelchair she is mobile enough to get around her one-story home, move along a sidewalk, and even shop at a mall. 3. Giant kelp, a form of seaweed, has some amazing attributes. Not only is it the world’s fastest-growing vegetable, but the more it is cut, the faster it grows.

9 3/23 English III Agenda TSW analyze character development and downfalls in the play Macbeth by using direct references from the text in order to develop an analytical essay. Focus: Complete vocabulary chapter 8 quiz. Activities: 1. Individuals: Conference with teachers and complete Macbeth Character Analysis Essay Closing: Independent reading time.

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