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Earth Observations and Climate Change - Setting the Scene Neville Smith and Howard Diamond US-Australia JCM S&T Workshop Sydney, Australia; 14 April 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth Observations and Climate Change - Setting the Scene Neville Smith and Howard Diamond US-Australia JCM S&T Workshop Sydney, Australia; 14 April 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth Observations and Climate Change - Setting the Scene Neville Smith and Howard Diamond US-Australia JCM S&T Workshop Sydney, Australia; 14 April 2013

2 The Context Long history of Aus-US Collaboration Important issues - growing demand. Research needs Partnership assistance “Climate Services” Collaboration with other countries too April 2011 Aus/US JCM Focus for the future

3 0830 – Introductions & Setting the Scene for the Day – Howard Diamond (NOAA); Neville Smith (BoM) 0900 – Atmospheric Reference Climate Observing – Howard Diamond (NOAA) and David Walland (BoM) 0945 – Ocean and Marine Observing – Tim Moltmann (IMOS); Neville Smith (BoM), and Richard Matzner (State Department) 1030 - Coffee Break 1040 – Terrestrial Observing - Alex Held (CSIRO) and Adam Lewis (GA) [Follow- ups from the 2011 JCM] 1200 – Antarctic Science – Blake McBride (US Navy) and Steve Rintoul (CSIRO) 1240 – Wrap-up Discussion and Way Forward 1300 – Adjourn and Lunch Agenda

4 This workshop should: Explore opportunities to further enhance the work in the areas to be discussed. Consider work under four primary areas: 1.Atmospheric Reference Observing 2.Ocean and Marine Observing 3.Terrestrial Observing and Review Progress from the JCM in 2011 4.Antarctic Science Prepare report-back to Plenary Highlight ongoing areas of collaboration discussed in this session Note any impediments to current cooperation identified Keep in mind potential areas for future collaboration Ensure that any actions agreed to are reasonable and doable

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