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Published byMyron Lindsey Modified over 9 years ago
AGS RSVP Weekly Meeting P. Pile 30 December 2004 AGS RSVP Weekly Meeting 30 Dec 2004 Useful Links: RSVP Project : C-AD AGS Project: Office Agenda Review updates (pile) Status of cost scrubbing and resource loaded schedules (must be ~complete by 15 Jan, in time for the 18-20 LOG review), in addition to what has been done, SHOW ROAD MAP TO COMPLETION! - (Brown,Pendzick,Phillips and Pearson) Beam development plan, Case 2 – beam development begins in third year (Ahrens)
AGS RSVP Weekly Meeting P. Pile 30 December 2004 4-5 Nov 04 AGS Review - Update Committee Report is on the web at: We have been asked by Kotcher to respond to the recommendations so, –I’ll make the first pass
AGS RSVP Weekly Meeting P. Pile 30 December 2004 RSVP Simulation and Background Review Committee –Ed Blucher, University of Chicago –Martin Cooper, Los Alamos –Cy Hoffman, Los Alamos –Patty McBride, Fermilab –Jack Ritchie (Chair), University of Texas, Austin –Mike Shupe, University of Arizona –Bob Tschirhart, Fermilab –Koji Yoshimura, Osaka University Charge and Agenda: Detailed agenda is in preparation RSVP Detector Capabilities, Simulations and Backgrounds Review (11-13 Jan 2005 at NYU) We are not directly involved – (Don, Wuzheng, Kevin, Kin (1 day) and I will attend as observers)
AGS RSVP Weekly Meeting P. Pile 30 December 2004 DRAFT - Charge to the RSVP Laboratory Oversight Group - DRAFT RSVP Project Director’s Review January 18-20, 2005 – Version December 17, 2004 The Laboratory Oversight Group (LOG) has the mission of providing internal review and oversight of the Rare Symmetry Violations Processes (RSVP) Project. The LOG is organized and chaired by the BNL Associate Laboratory Director of High Energy and Nuclear Physics (ALD-HENP) and provides its observations, comments and recommendations to the RSVP Project Director. Officers of the funding agencies may join the LOG reviews as observers and are copied on the review reports. The subject of the January 18-20, 2005 Review will be a detailed assessment of the technical and cost estimate status of the project at the second level (L2 1.x.y) of Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) but will not attempt to validate the costs at this time. To facilitate this review, the managers of the RSVP Project are asked to fill in and provide to the LOG, a complete set of Review Status Sheets at WBS L2 that will facilitate this review’s focus. Having supplied this basic status information, the oral presenters of the WBS L2 elements may provide very brief introductory comments of their own choosing, but will primarily respond to questions from the LOG members based on the material provided in the status sheets. This is a somewhat unconventional review plan but is designed to bypass the usual descriptive material that the LOG members can learn ahead of time from the status sheets plus other introductory material about the KOPIO, MECO and AGS projects that will be provided to them by the ALD and RSVP Project Office. The results of the LOG members review will be communicated to the RSVP Project Management at an oral closeout following the review and in a written Review Report from the LOG supplied within two weeks of the review completion (February 3, 2005, COB).
AGS RSVP Weekly Meeting P. Pile 30 December 2004 Additional guidance for WBS 1.4 RSVP Project Office Account Number: 88542 Fill out data sheets to level 1.4.x.x, 1 level lower than in charge Those systems that can support a look at cost validation should be presented in that light (most of our WBS) Resource loaded schedules are to be made available to the committee through a website to be established by the Project Office. Here we'll need to make our project files and support files available for individual subsystems as well as what we have for a master project file.
AGS RSVP Weekly Meeting P. Pile 30 December 2004 Additional guidance for WBS 1.4 Darlene has posted data sheets on our server with present cost information entered \\c- adfile3\RSVP_files \\c- adfile3\RSVP_files Darlene is updating our cost spreadsheets, get updates to her NOW! Absolute cut-off for cost updates is next Wednesday (5 Jan) – we should go into the 18 Jan review with 5 Jan costs. Any significant changes after 5 Jan should be presented at the review but the Data sheets (and Excel spreadsheets) should reflect 5 Jan numbers. Data Sheets should be complete and ready for presented for review at our 6 Jan meeting Data Sheets and RSL Schedules and backup material are to be posted to the web for committee viewing by 10 Jan (Monday) –We may (I hope we do!) get feed-back from the committee with questions to be addressed at the review –I expect guidance on what is expected for backup material Dry run for WBS 1.4 will be Friday, 14 Jan, 1:30-3:00 in LCR
AGS RSVP Weekly Meeting P. Pile 30 December 2004
AGS RSVP Weekly Meeting P. Pile 30 December 2004 DRAFT – Agenda - DRAFT RSVP Project Director’s Review with Laboratory Oversight Group Attendance Brookhaven National Laboratory January 18-20, 2004 Tuesday, January 18, 2004 Phys Bldg, 2-160 8:30 amLOG Executive Session 9:00 amProject Director’s Introduction……………………………………… ………………W. Willis 9:10 amWBS 1.1 RSVP Project Office and Management Approach……….…………………J. Kotcher 9:30 amWBS 1.2 KOPIO Project Overview………………………………...……..……………M. Marx 10:15 amCoffee Break 10:30 am WBS 1.2.1 Vacuum System 11:00 am WBS 1.2.2 Preradiator…………………………………………………………………TBD 11:15 am WBS 1.2.3 Calorimeter…………………………………………………………………TBD 11:30 am WBS 1.2.4 Charged Particle Veto…………………………………………………..…TBD 11:45 am WBS 1.2.5 Photon Veto……………………………………………………...…………TBD 12:00 pmLOG Working Lunch 1:00 pm WBS 1.2.6 Catcher System………………………………………………..…………TBD 1:30 pm WBS 1.2.7 Trigger………………………………………………………...……………TBD 1:45 pm WBS 1.2.8 DAQ……………………………………………………………..…………TBD 2:00 pm WBS 1.2.9 Offline Computing………………………………………………………TBD 2:15 pm WBS 1.2.10 Detector Systems 2:30 pm WBS 1.2.11 Project Services 2:45 pmCoffee Break 3:00 pmWBS 1.3 MECO Project Overview…………………………………………...………M. Hebert 3:45 pm WBS 1.3.1 Extinction.……………………………..……………………………………TBD 4:15 pm WBS 1.3.2 Production Target & Shield...……….…………………………………...TBD 4:30 pm WBS 1.3.3 Solenoids…………………………..…...………………………………..TBD. 4:45 pmLOG Executive Session 6:00 pmReception at Berkner Hall 7:00 pmReview Dinner at Berkner Hall
AGS RSVP Weekly Meeting P. Pile 30 December 2004 DRAFT – Agenda - DRAFT RSVP Project Director’s Review with Laboratory Oversight Group Attendance Wednesday, January 19, 2004 Phys Bldg, 2-160 8:30 am WBS 1.3.4 Muon Beamline………..…………..……………………………...…………..TBD 9:30 am WBS 1.3.5 Tracker…………………………… …………………………...……….……..TBD 10:00 amCoffee Break 10:15 am WBS 1.3.6 Calorimeter………………………..…………………..…………..….……….TBD 10:45 am WBS 1.3.7 Cosmic Ray Shield………………..…………………………………....…….TBD 11:00 am WBS 1.3.8 DAQ & Online Computing…..…..…………………………………………...TBD 11:15 am WBS 1.3.9 Simulation & Offline Analysis………………………………………….…….TBD 11:30 am WBS 1.3.10 Installation & Integration………..………………………………….……….TBD 11:45 am WBS 1.3.11 MECO Project Office…...………..……………………………...………….TBD 12:00 pmLOG Working Lunch 1:00 pmWBS 1.4 AGS Project Overview………………………………………………..….……....P. Pile 1:45 pm WBS 1.4.1 AGS/Booster…………….…..…..………………………………….………...K. Brown 2:15 pm WBS 1.4.2 Switchyard…………………..……………………………………..………….A. Pendzick 2:30 pm WBS 1.4.3 KOPIO……..……………………..…………………………………...……….C. Pearson 3:00 pmCoffee Break 3:15 pm WBS 1.4.4 MECO……………….…...………..……………………………......…………D. Phillips 3:45 pm WBS 1.4.5 Project Administration…...………..………………………………...……… P. Pile 4:00 pmLOG Executive Session 5:30 pmQuestions for RSVP Management 6:00 pmAdjourn
AGS RSVP Weekly Meeting P. Pile 30 December 2004 DRAFT – Agenda - DRAFT RSVP Project Director’s Review with Laboratory Oversight Group Attendance Thursday, January 20, 2004 Phys Bldg, Orange Room 8:30 amPresentation of Answers to LOG Questions 9:30 amLOG Executive Session 12:00 pmLOG Working Lunch 1:00 pmCloseout with RSVP Project Directors & Managers 1:45 pmAdjourn
AGS RSVP Weekly Meeting P. Pile 30 December 2004 MilestoneDateStatus, Comments Discussion of Baseline Expectations, Timeline with Experiments September 13Held MECO Magnet ReviewSun-Tue, Oct 10-12Held AGS ReviewThu-Fri, Nov 4-5Held Internal discussion of resource-loaded schedules (RLS) for all projects Thu, Dec 9Held Simulations & Backgrounds ReviewTue-Thu, Jan 11-13Set, reviewers assembled, held at NYU Initial review of RLS for all projectsTue-Thu, Jan 18-20Reviewed by LOG. Dates TBF. Reviews of other sub-projectsWeeks of Jan 24 – Feb 21Series of LOG-based reviews of RSVP sub-systems Draft versions of PMP, PEP, Conceptual Design Report completed Mon, Feb 14 Operations ReviewWeek of Mar 7 Project startup pre-reviewWeek of Mar 15Comprehensive preparatory review of full project, proposal Project startup reviewWeek of Apr 18Final project startup review, iteration of above. NSF review. Finalize documentation for May submission to NSF Week of Apr 25 Product submitted to NSF/NSBMon, May 2 next significant events Resource Loaded Schedule Review for all of RSVP at BNL K0PI0 and MECO Experiment Simulations Review
AGS RSVP Weekly Meeting P. Pile 30 December 2004 next significant events (cont’) 25 Jan 04 A meeting between the Project Office and the NSF to discuss options i.e. what to do about RSVP cost increase Quote from 23 Dec Email from Willis: “Specifically, it is necessary at this time for all of RSVP to give the most serious consideration to (a) all the cost elements presented on 9 December 2004, (b) those cost elements not yet calculated at that time, and (c) possible changes in scope of KOPIO, MECO and the AGS Upgrade Program for RSVP. Everything should be regarded as on the table. “
AGS RSVP Weekly Meeting P. Pile 30 December 2004 Next Meeting 6 Jan 2005 Agenda –Review updates (pile) –Presentation of Data Sheets and status of cost scrubbing and resource loaded schedules; in addition to what has been done, SHOW ROAD MAP TO COMPLETION! - (Pile, Brown, Pendzick,Phillips and Pearson) –Beam development plan, Case 2 – 3 years of beam development beginning in third year, 15 weeks per year concurrent with RHIC operations (Ahrens)
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