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Childhood Ailments and Immunisations Dr J. Rajan & F. Chatham Otford Medical Practice Saturday 10 th October 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Childhood Ailments and Immunisations Dr J. Rajan & F. Chatham Otford Medical Practice Saturday 10 th October 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Childhood Ailments and Immunisations Dr J. Rajan & F. Chatham Otford Medical Practice Saturday 10 th October 2015

2 Overview Fever Rashes Coughs and Colds Ear Infections Warts & Verrucae Conjunctivitis Meningitis

3 Fever Usually sign of infection somewhere May be reaction to some immunisations Parents can try paracetamol and ibuprofen, increase fluids, reduce clothing and tepid sponging Always see GP if child 38 degrees, child 3-6 months and fever > 39 degrees If lasting > 5 days OR any parental concerns – make an appointment

4 Rashes Common ones include chicken pox, slapped cheek, eczema, nappy rash and hand foot and mouth disease Using a good moisturiser twice a day can sometimes soothe it Itchy rash = Allergy – can try anti-histamine If child unwell or rash not settling after 1 week – make an appointment!

5 Common Rashes

6 Coughs & Colds Give your child lots to drink Try infant paracetamol Keep them away from smoke. Do not let people smoke at home, around your child or come into contact with your child if they have recently smoked. Keep calm - a cuddle goes a long way. Talk to your Pharmacist.

7 Wheezing and breathing difficulties Can be scary!!! Use your instincts – monitor closely and keep upright If your child is finding breathing hard work and they are sucking in their ribs and tummy and can’t complete a full sentence without stopping to take a breath, contact your GP immediately. If your child’s chest looks like it is ‘caving in’ and they appear pale or even slightly blue-ish, call 999 or take them to A&E.

8 Ear Infections Look out for fever, ear pain, fussiness or irritability especially when lying down, disturbed sleep patterns, fluid draining from the ear Although most ear infections settle down without any serious effects, there can be mild hearing loss for a short time. Try giving infant paracetamol but if no improvement in 24 hours – make an appointment!

9 Warts & Verrucae Caused by virus Should eventually disappear – may take years! Not sinister and very commo Treatments can be painful!!!

10 Conjunctivitis ‘Sticky eyes’ common Normally clears up on its own, but you may have to clean your baby’s eyes regularly with damp cotton wool. Use clean, cooled boiled water. Wipe each eye from the corner by the nose outwards. Use a clean piece of cotton wool for eye wipe. Remember to wash your hands before and afterwards and avoid sharing towels to prevent spreading infection. Conjunctivitis signs are that your baby has a yellowy, green sticky goo which comes back regularly. If you notice this, contact your GP.

11 Meningitis Always treat any case of suspected Meningitis as an emergency If your child has any of these signs, contact your GP immediately: -Fever, cold hands and feet -Floppy and unresponsive. -Drowsy and difficult to wake. - Spots/rash. - Do the glass test. - Rapid breathing or grunting. - Fretful, dislikes being handled. - Unusual cry or moaning.

12 The Glass Test The glass test is a really useful way of spotting suspected Meningitis. If your child has a cluster of red or purple spots, press the side of a clear drinking glass firmly against the rash. If the spots are still visible through the glass, go straight to A&E. If the spots disappear through the glass, it is unlikely to be Meningitis. However, if you are still worried, contact your GP or call 111.

13 NameNumberWebsite Allergy UK01322 619 Association of Breastfeeding Mothers 0300 330 5453 (9.30am— 10:30pm) Asthma UK0800 121 Baby Life Change4Life Child Accident Prevention Trust020 7608 Cry-sis08451 228 Dental helpline0845 063 1188 Diabetes Family Lives0808 800 Gingerbread0808 802 0925

14 NameNumberWebsite Healthy La Leche League GB0845 120 Meningitis Trust0808 8010 National Breastfeeding Network Helpline 0300 100 National Childbirth Trust0300 330 National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247www.nationaldomesticviolence NHS Information Service for Parents forparents Stay at Home Smoking Kills0800 022

15 THANK YOU! Any Questions?

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