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Science Chapter 1- Lesson 2.

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1 Science Chapter 1- Lesson 2

2 How are organisms classified?
Scientists organize organisms by sorting, or classifying them into groups according to shared characteristics. Classification has been called the science of finding patterns.

3 Katy Perry Comes Over For Great Sushi!
The broadest category an organism can be classified into is a kingdom. Kingdoms are very LARGE groups. Scientists use 6 subgroups to classify within kingdoms. Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species An easy way to help you remember is to use the following: Katy Perry Comes Over For Great Sushi! The smallest group an organism can be classified into is a species. A species only contains organisms that are very closely related.

4 Please answer the following question :
Why do scientists only use the genus and species names to identify an organism and not all the classification groups?

5 What are animals? Animals are multicellular Animals do not make their own food Animals do not have a cell wall Animals are able to move from place to place

6 Animal Kingdom Vertebrates Invertebrates (Animals with a backbone)
(Animals without a backbone) Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals Mollusks (shelled animals) Echinoderms (sea stars) Arthropods (insects)

7 All plants are multicellular and make
Plant Kingdom All plants are multicellular and make their own food. Plants are organized into two major groups: Vascular- Contains tubes or vessels Nonvascular- No tubes or vessels Nonvascular plants remain small and close to the ground, where they soak up water directly.

8 Please answer the following question
in your notebook: An organism looks like an animal but it does not move. How could you determine whether it was an animal?

9 What are plants and fungi?
Organisms from only two kingdoms, plants and fungi have cell walls.

10 Fungus Kingdom Most fungi get energy by breaking down dead
or decaying plants and animals. Many fungi are used by humans. Yeast is a fungus that makes bread. Fungi are the original source of medicines called antibiotics.

11 Please answer the following question in your notebook:
How are fungi different from plants? What would happen to a forest without fungi?

12 Archaebacteria Kingdom
Complex, one-celled organisms, they are found in extreme conditions, such as areas with no oxygen.

13 Eubacteria Kingdom Complex, one-celled organisms. Most bacteria
are found in this kingdom. They are classified in their own kingdom because their chemical makeup is different. Some produce vitamins and food like yogurt.

14 Protist Kingdom Protists are multicellular or unicellular organisms
that either make their own food or eat other organisms.

15 Six Kingdoms Animal Plant Fungus Archaebacteria Eubacteria Protists
Vertebrates- fish, amphibians,mammals, reptiles, birds Invertebrates- arthropods, mollusks, echinoderms Plant Vascular Nonvascular Fungus Archaebacteria Eubacteria Protists

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