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Aplicando recursos digitalizados de museus, bibliotecas e arquivos em educação Dov Winer MAKASH – Advancing ICT Applications in Education 4 Outubro 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Aplicando recursos digitalizados de museus, bibliotecas e arquivos em educação Dov Winer MAKASH – Advancing ICT Applications in Education 4 Outubro 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aplicando recursos digitalizados de museus, bibliotecas e arquivos em educação Dov Winer MAKASH – Advancing ICT Applications in Education 4 Outubro 2012 Seminário organizado pela: Faculdade de Filosofia, Comunicação, Letras e Artes (FAFLICA) Departamento de Inglês Curso de Pós Graduação Educação: Currículo –CED- e GEPI Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Interdisciplinaridade da PUCSP

2 The main argument 1/12/2016iTEC - Designing the future classroom2  Troves of digitised cultural content and cultural knowledge curated by Cultural Heritage institutions available in the Web  Teachers seem not to be making much use of them in their ICT programs  Teachers, schools and the educational systems have many creative and innovative ICT initiatives  Museums and other cultural heritage institutions are not assimilating this know how when disseminating their digital offerings  Some conceptual frameworks relating culture to education  Some projects/activities in Israel and world  iTEC - designing the classroom of the future

3 Cultural Heritage Digital Contents 1/12/2016iTEC - Designing the future classroom3

4 When seeking good practices in the use of digitised cultural objects in education 1/12/2016iTEC - Designing the future classroom4  There is a large amount of already available digitised cultural content  This digitised content is not embedded in educational programs  …even when the educational programs are developed by cultural institutions

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6 Europeana Projects 1/12/2016iTEC - Designing the future classroom6

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14 1/12/2016iTEC - Designing the future classroom14  Elizabeth Ridgway, LOC, Office of Strategic Initiatives  10 years, beginning with American Memory  Summer program for committed teachers that develop learning programs  Themed collections  Professional Development program  Partners program  The challenge: Institutional commitment and intra- institutional collaboration Workshop of the National Library of Israel and the Library of Congress, Educational Outreach program

15 1/12/2016iTEC - Designing the future classroom15 Education Resources in the British Library

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23 Conceptual Frameworks 1/12/2016iTEC - Designing the future classroom23

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25 1/12/2016iTEC - Designing the future classroom25 From: School’s Over: Learning Spaces in Europe in 2020: An Imagining Exercise on the Future of Learning, JRC IPTS –European Commission 2008

26 1/12/2016iTEC - Designing the future classroom26 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Type of Information Needed Self-ActualizationSignificance EsteemSignificance BelongingMeanings SafetyFacts PhysiologicalFacts  David Bearman, President, Archives & Museum Informatics  Sustaining Culture, Enhancing Life: User Requirements for Cultural Heritage  2004 The Hague, Dutch Presidency Conference on Digitisation of Culture

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29 Educational Application Projects 1/12/2016iTEC - Designing the future classroom29

30 1/12/2016iTEC - Designing the future classroom30 Museum of the Jewish People

31 1/12/2016iTEC - Designing the future classroom31

32 1/12/2016iTEC - Designing the future classroom32 Inclusion of a museum learning environment in the program of studies

33 1/12/2016iTEC - Designing the future classroom33 The Intergenerational Bond Program Components  Well developed training program for teachers with supporting modules  ICT skilled youngsters (mainly from junior high schools)  Trained how to teach ICT skills to senior persons  Teach senior persons on basics: using the computer, word processing, basic Internet access, using email  Trained to acquire basic interviewing skills including actual simulations ; they interview the senior person which they teach work to obtain their personal story  Trained in the framework of the Information Seeking Expertise Program  They enrich the documentation of the personal story with supporting documents obtained from the Internet  Summary: album or ppt presentation of the personal story they have obtained through the interview/documentation –

34 1/12/2016iTEC - Designing the future classroom34  Program running for 10 years  200 to 300 schools participate each year  Each school with 15 students paired with 15 senior persons  For 5 years in the Division for Adult Education of the Ministry then went back to the Division for Science and Technology  Tami Green, national coordinator  Prof. Edna Afek started it 10 years ago The Intergenerational Bond Program

35 1/12/2016iTEC - Designing the future classroom35 

36 1/12/2016iTEC - Designing the future classroom36

37 1/12/2016iTEC - Designing the future classroom37 Center for History and New Media

38 iTEC  iTEC (Innovative Technologies for an Engaging Classroom) is a four-year, pan-European project focused on the design of the future classroom. 1/12/201638iTEC - Designing the future classroom

39 iTEC will:  Act as an Ideas Lab bringing together policy makers, researchers, technology suppliers and innovative teachers to jointly develop ambitious scenarios for the future classroom  Test and validate these scenarios in the largest pan- European school pilot involving ICT yet undertaken  Influence educational reform processes at both national and European level.  Involve a high-level group of decision shapers to produce recommendations for policy makers and help ensure large- scale adoption of iTEC scenarios. 1/12/2016iTEC - Designing the future classroom39

40 How does it work?  iTEC will produce meaningful pedagogical scenarios for the future classroom.  From these, derive learning activities and new approaches to assessment that engage teachers, learners and stakeholders.  In five project cycles, iTEC will then test and thoroughly evaluate these scenarios with schools in different countries.  Research the skills and competences needed by teachers in the future classroom and equip teachers, both within and beyond the project, to implement project scenarios. 1/12/2016iTEC - Designing the future classroom40

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43 For further information The work presented in this presentation is partially supported by the European Commission’s FP7 programme – project iTEC: Innovative Technologies for an Engaging Classroom (Grant agreement Nº 257566). The content of this presentation is the sole responsibility of the consortium members and it does not represent the opinion of the European Commission and the Commission is not responsible for any use that might be made of information contained herein. Picture credits: iStockphoto, Corbis, Derrick Bostrom 1/12/201643iTEC - Designing the future classroom WEB: EMAIL:

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