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English 9 Ms. Gatz. 1. ante- 2. anti- Michael Jordan was an antecedent to Kobe Bryant. A clever saying warns us not to anticipate trouble before it happens.

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Presentation on theme: "English 9 Ms. Gatz. 1. ante- 2. anti- Michael Jordan was an antecedent to Kobe Bryant. A clever saying warns us not to anticipate trouble before it happens."— Presentation transcript:

1 English 9 Ms. Gatz

2 1. ante- 2. anti- Michael Jordan was an antecedent to Kobe Bryant. A clever saying warns us not to anticipate trouble before it happens.

3 Ante- and anti- mean… a. after b. free c. before d. during

4 Ante- and anti- mean… c. before *anti- can also mean “against,” as in the case of antiburglary and antibiotic

5 3. chron4. chrono- A chronic illness lasts a long period of time. A résumé should list jobs in reverse chronological order-- that is, the most recent job should be listed first.

6 Chron and chrono- mean… a. outside b. time c. alive d. free

7 Chron and chrono- mean… b. time *Chronos (krō'nōs) is the Greek word for ‘time.’

8 5. -cide Because it’s termite season, pesticides are selling like crazy.

9 The suffix –cide means… a. alive b. kill c. damage d. preceding

10 The suffix –cide means… b. kill What other words have you heard that use the suffix - cide?

11 6. de- Products like Febreze® and Lysol® are a great way to deodorize a stinky room.

12 De- means… a. preceding b. with c. remove d. alive

13 De- means… c. remove *‘de-’ actually comes from the Latin preposition meaning ‘away from.’ We see the word ‘de’ in Spanish and French still today.

14 7. Dorm The volcano has been dormant for years, but it may awaken soon.

15 Dorm means… a. lively b. separation c. relaxed d. sleep

16 Dorm means… d. sleep Dormant!

17 8. extra- The idea of extraterrestrial beings, or people from outer space, became really popular in the late sixties. Colleges encourage students to be involved in extracurricular activities.

18 Extra- means… a. enclosed b. throw c. beyond d. more

19 Extra- means… c. beyond

20 9. ject The farther away a projector is, the larger the picture it throws onto the screen.

21 Ject means… a. throw b. keep c. make d. call

22 Ject means… a. throw J E C T

23 10. liber11. liver Some teachers are very liberal with the amount of homework they give students. When the flood took down the prison walls, the prisoners were delivered from their captivity.

24 Liber and liver mean… a. alive b. outside c. excessive d. free

25 Liber and liver mean… d. free

26 12. vit13. viv My elderly aunt still has vitality; she works in a bakery and walks 2 to 3 miles every day. People who survive a disaster sometimes feel guilty because they lived while others died.

27 Vit and viv mean… a. life b. separation c. death d. change

28 Vit and viv mean… a. life What other words can you think of that use the roots vit or viv?

29 14. voc15. vok My father listens to vocal music as if it were being performed only by instruments. At the beginning of many Greek epics, the narrator invokes the muse.

30 Voc and vok mean… a. memory b. voice c. time d. sound

31 Voc and vok mean… b. voice

32 Now let’s practice. Clue words will be shown on the screen. As quickly as you can, identify the root or affixes to which the clue refers. Write any helpful words on your vocabulary cards.

33 Throw

34 Time

35 Sleep

36 Free

37 Toss

38 Kill

39 Voice

40 Life

41 Removal

42 Beyond

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