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Membrane transport Energy driven pumps

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1 Membrane transport Energy driven pumps
Chemiosmotic coupled transporters Solute control

2 ATP driven pumps P-type ATPase F0F1 Energy efficient = reversible
Cation exchangers Ca2+/H+ Na+K+ H+/K+ F0F1 H+ ATP synthesis Energy efficient = reversible ABC transporters Nonionic species – peptides, drugs CFTR – Cl-

3 P-type, E1-E2 Pump ATP-driven calcium pump
SERCA, NaK, HK, heavy metals Ca2+, Na+, H+ out of cytoplasm Staged ATP release E1 E1-ATP-2Ca E1P-ADP-2Ca SERCA structure E E2 E2 E2P E2P-2Ca

4 F0F1 pump Rotary protein complex V1-ATPase F1-ATP synthase
H+ out of cytoplasm Mostly into vesicles F1-ATP synthase Mitochondria High energy H+ Low energy H+ H+ H+ Proton Gradient ADP ADP H+ H+ ATP ATP

5 ABC Transporters esp. prokaryotes Heterotetramer 2 ATP per cycle
Peptide uptake Toxin emission Locher et al., 2002

6 Transporter regulation
Phosphorylation InsulinPKC/srcNaK activity Ions Mg2+, Mo2+.. Accessory proteins NoradrenalinePKA--|phospholamban--|SERCA Substrate concentrations Mass action

7 Non-ATP powered transporters
Energy sources Own concentration gradient (uniporter) Other gradient Symporter Antiporter Chemical modification Released molecule different than adsorbed Major facilitator Transport Group

8 Uniporter Glucose transporter GLUT1/GLUT4 Not a pore
Ligand mediated conformational change Bi-directional, slow vs true channel Glucose uptake in high-glucose Glucose release in low glucose Inhibited by actin filament disruption Lachall et al., 1996

9 Antiporter NHE Na+/H+ exchanger Bistable proteins
High Na+ gradient (15 kJ/mole) Proton efflux, pH control Bistable proteins Opposing openings Substrates stabilize one or the other facing Transition energy > thermal

10 Symporter Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransporter
Electroneutral Independent of equilibrium potentials Solely concentration gradients Major source of Cl- entry Electrolyte & osmotic balance Substrate binding stabilizes transitional conformation

11 MFS regulation Membrane transport/sequestration Phosphorylation

12 Blood homeostasis Volume/pressue homeostasis Composition homeostasis
Kidney function Osmotic regulation Hormonal regulation Neural regulation

13 Mass flow in kidney NaK (P-type) Kleak, Cl (ion channel)
NHE (MFS antiporter) NKCC, NGC, ATA (MFS symporter) GLUT, AA (MFS uniporter) Tissue interstium Lumen Na NKCC NaK Na K K Kleak NHE Cl Glucose GLUT Glucose NGC H OH AA HCO3 ATA AA AA Pi Ca CO2 CBA Cl

14 Ion currents in kidney Asymmetric distribution of transporters
Diffusion on one side Counter-diffusive movement opposite ATPNa gradientglucose gradient ATP Energy Tissue interstium Lumen Na NKCC NAK Na K NHE Kleak Cl NGC GLUT Glucose Glucose AA ATA AA AA Glucose Energy Na Energy AA Energy

15 Regulatory specifics Phosphorylation Transport Genetic
Cell shrinkage cAMPPKANKCC activity Vasopressin  AVPR2GsNaK activation AngiotensinAT2--|cAMPPKA--|NHE Transport EGF PI3KNHE3 internalization Lumen pressureNHE internalization AT2PLCCaMKIINHE externalization Genetic Aldosterone  NaK upregulation

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