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Greek Mythology: Perseus Part I Middle School. ONCE UPON A TIME… King of Argos is warned by an oracle: he would be killed by a son born to his daughter.

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Presentation on theme: "Greek Mythology: Perseus Part I Middle School. ONCE UPON A TIME… King of Argos is warned by an oracle: he would be killed by a son born to his daughter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek Mythology: Perseus Part I Middle School

2 ONCE UPON A TIME… King of Argos is warned by an oracle: he would be killed by a son born to his daughter Danae *locks her up in a tower *Zeus gets in (gold) PERSEUS is the result

3 Upon birth, the king places daughter and son out in the sea *expected them to die *end up on island of Seriphos *is taken in by a kind fisherman

4 Fisherman Adopts a protective attitude towards Danae and Perseus Male role model Fisherman’s brother (King) wanted to be with mother Perseus says NO! King backs off…

5 The King Plays It Cool * will allegedly seek the hand another maiden *asks for contribution Turns to Perseus…asks him for his share *says will do anything he can…. Offers to obtain head of Medusa Medusa

6 The Quest to Obtain the Gorgon Perseus sets off to obtain Medusa Turns to Athena (had it in for Medusa) Tells him to obtain special equipment *gives him mirrored shield

7 The three old ladies “the grey ones” advise Perseus *tell him to obtain equipment from nymphs *tell him where to go They shared one eye

8 Finds them in Hades *swimming in the River Styx The gear: *helmet that made you invisible *winged sandals (protection from sisters) *special pouch (Medusa’s power remains after death) *sickle

9 The Gaze *goes to Medusa’s dwelling place…finds the Gorgan sleeping *filled with remains of previous visitors *cuts off Medusa’s head *Pegasus (offspring of Medusa and Poseidon) born from bleeding neck *escapes quickly

10 *starts flying back *Once he was over Ethiopia, he saw something: A beautiful maiden chained to a rock *she is about to be devoured by sea monster

11 End of Part I

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