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Designing for who? The conflict between student usability and learning analytics Peter Wagstaff (Wags) Department of Marketing Monash

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Presentation on theme: "Designing for who? The conflict between student usability and learning analytics Peter Wagstaff (Wags) Department of Marketing Monash"— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing for who? The conflict between student usability and learning analytics Peter Wagstaff (Wags) Department of Marketing Monash University @peterwagstaff

2 MKF1120 Undergraduate Marketing Theory and Practice Compulsory All business students >700 students per semester

3 Flipped classroom “The flipped classroom describes a reversal of traditional teaching where students gain first exposure to new material outside of class, usually via reading or lecture videos, and then class time is used to do the harder work of assimilating that knowledge through strategies such as problem-solving, discussion or debates” (Vanderbilt University, Center for Teaching)






9 Big data refers to using complex datasets to drive focus, direction, and decision making within a company or organization. Jessica Kirkpatrick, Director of Data Science, InstaEDU Big data is just the ability to gather information and query it in such a way that we are able to learn things about the world that were previously inaccessible to us. Hilary Mason, Founder, Fast Forward Labs

10 Using Moodle Data? Moodle can generate complex datasets to assist our decision-making New insights into our students’ learning behaviours and outcomes Two interesting examples: Identifying and dealing with at-risk students Relationships between learning inputs and outcomes

11 At-risk students Hi, You are receiving this email because I have noticed that you don't appear to have accessed any of the online lessons in Moodle for MKF1120 (Marketing Theory and Practice). The lessons include around one hour of video content each week, readings, and self-check questions. Maybe there are reasons why you haven't been able to focus on your studies, or engage in the classes or online materials. So, is there anything we can do to help? Anything we need to know about? Are you aware that there are a number of options available to you if you feel that studying at university isn't right for you? Can I recommend that you take a look at this webpage - - which outlines some of the options and resources available to you, including:

12 Correlation between inputs & performance

13 The challenge When adding a resource to Moodle, we often have to consider this trade-off: Student usabilityLearning analytics



16 Designing for who? Student learning!

17 Why YouTube? Fast and efficient Device-dependent Viewer controls More DATA! Embeddable in Moodle

18 DAILY VIDEO VIEWS Week: 0 1 2 3 4 5 - 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SWOTVAC Total views: 66,764 Estimated minutes watched: 423,635 S1, 2015


20 Conclusions @peterwagstaff Student-centred design… …that will generate useful data P.S. We need a good learning analytics dashboard

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