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WORLD GEOGRAPHY Oct. 10, 2014. GroupParticipants 1 Sun-Jin, Yun Sung: K-Pop Min Kyung, Da eun: Audition Dong-gyun, Hyun-Rock: Hollywood Drama Gyeongnam,

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Presentation on theme: "WORLD GEOGRAPHY Oct. 10, 2014. GroupParticipants 1 Sun-Jin, Yun Sung: K-Pop Min Kyung, Da eun: Audition Dong-gyun, Hyun-Rock: Hollywood Drama Gyeongnam,"— Presentation transcript:

1 WORLD GEOGRAPHY Oct. 10, 2014

2 GroupParticipants 1 Sun-Jin, Yun Sung: K-Pop Min Kyung, Da eun: Audition Dong-gyun, Hyun-Rock: Hollywood Drama Gyeongnam, Dain: Korean café culture 2 Jessica, Boogun: Black Friday Jeolmir, Eden: Hollywood movies Sori, Sunny: Halloween Yong Ju, Dong Hyun, Jae Yoon: Korean Wedding 3 Jeongmin, Hee Sang: St. Patrick’s Day Jeongin, Sohee: Animation Jeewon, Jungeun: Fast Food Doeun, Myunghwa: Christmas Min, Hyun Chul: Coffee industry in Korea 4 Eugene, Jungho: SNS Jefferson, George: Football Juhee, Kyung Eun: Korea’s Doljanchi Hyunseo, Gyuwon: Jeans

3 Announcement Research instructional session. - One session will be scheduled - Two choices: Tuesday (after 6:00 pm) or Wednesday (after 6:00 pm)

4 Today - Wrap up Culture unit - Finish mini-presentations/discussions - Begin Unit 4 - Indentity

5 Diffusion of Popular Culture Distance-decay: More interaction between closer places than between more distant places. Time-space compression: Interaction dependent on connectedness among places.

6 Diffusion of Popular Culture Distance decay

7 Diffusion of Popular Culture Distance decay

8 Diffusion of Popular Culture Time space compression

9 Diffusion of Popular Culture Time-space compression (connectedness)

10 Diffusion of Popular Culture Time-space compression (connectedness)

11 Diffusion of popular culture



14 Stemming the tide of popular culture Rapid diffusion of popular culture from major hearths - United States - Europe - Japan -…South Korea?

15 Stemming the tide of popular culture Resistance - Government subsidies: Media in local languages - Policies (e.g. language policies in Quebec) - Minorities in wealthy countries: Cultural preservation - Political elites in poorer countries: Nationalist ideologies - Social and ethnic minorities in poorer countries: Greater autonomy

16 Culture and the Cultural Landscape Cultural landscape: Visible human imprint on the land Placelessness: Similarity of places of popular cultures everywhere

17 Culture and the Cultural Landscape Convergence of cultural landscapes: 1. Diffusion of skyscrapers as a mark of a city


19 Culture and the Cultural Landscape Convergence of cultural landscapes: 2. The widespread distribution of businesses and products

20 Culture and the Cultural Landscape



23 Convergence of cultural landscapes: 3. Borrowing of idealized landscape images

24 Culture and the Cultural Landscape Convergence of cultural landscapes: 3. Borrowing of idealized landscape images

25 Culture and the Cultural Landscape Convergence of cultural landscapes:

26 Interaction b/w pop and local culture

27 McDonald’s regional items Shaka Shaka Chicken  Singapore

28 Interaction b/w pop and local culture McDonald’s regional items McLobster  Eastern Canada

29 Interaction b/w pop and local culture McDonald’s regional items Bulgogi Burger  South Korea

30 So….who cares?

31 GroupParticipants 1 Sun-Jin, Yun Sung: K-Pop Min Kyung, Da eun: Audition Dong-gyun, Hyun-Rock: Hollywood Drama Gyeongnam, Dain: Korean café culture 2 Jessica, Boogun: Black Friday Jeolmir, Eden: Hollywood movies Sori, Sunny: Halloween Yong Ju, Dong Hyun, Jae Yoon: Korean Wedding 3 Jeongmin, Hee Sang: St. Patrick’s Day Jeongin, Sohee: Animation Jeewon, Jungeun: Fast Food Doeun, Myunghwa: Christmas Min, Hyun Chul: Coffee industry in Korea 4 Eugene, Jungho: SNS Jefferson, George: Football Juhee, Kyung Eun: Korea’s Doljanchi Hyunseo, Gyuwon: Jeans


33 Identity Race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality - Defining and examining the concept of identity - Relationships between identity and place - Power relationships between groups

34 Defining identity If asked to identify yourself, what would you say?

35 Defining identity Nationality?

36 Defining identity Gender?

37 Defining identity Style/personal philosophy?

38 Defining identity Occupation?

39 Defining identity Sport preference?

40 Defining identity Mode of transportation?

41 Defining identity Where you go to school? KAC students

42 Defining identity What you are not?

43 Results/effects identity

44 What is identity? Identity: “How we make sense of ourselves” – Rose - Fluid, constantly changing, shifting, becoming - Vary across scales, and affect each other across scales

45 How is identity constructed? - Through experiences, emotions, connections, and rejections - A snapshot of who we are at a point in time - Identifying against (defining the other and then defining ourselves as “not that”) e.g. “Civilized” European vs. “Mystical” Asian vs. “Savage” American Indians

46 How is identity constructed? Role of state nationalism - Many people define themselves by their nationality or country of origin.  to be examined later in the course

47 Before next class Do the second Identity reading

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