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Washington Hardwood Commission Annual Meeting June 15, 2011 Significance of the Small Forest Landowner to Hardwood Supply By Rick Dunning Washington Farm.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington Hardwood Commission Annual Meeting June 15, 2011 Significance of the Small Forest Landowner to Hardwood Supply By Rick Dunning Washington Farm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington Hardwood Commission Annual Meeting June 15, 2011 Significance of the Small Forest Landowner to Hardwood Supply By Rick Dunning Washington Farm Forestry Association Significance of the Small Forest Landowner to Hardwood Supply By Rick Dunning Washington Farm Forestry Association


3 Significance- “importance in a matter”


5 Significance of SFL to Hardwood Supply Areas of Significance: 1.Supply side Economics 2.Political 3.Legislative Because it’s not just owning the hardwood supply, but the ability to manage it! Areas of Significance: 1.Supply side Economics 2.Political 3.Legislative Because it’s not just owning the hardwood supply, but the ability to manage it!

6 Significance of SFL to Hardwood Supply 1.Economic Significance: *Supply for Mills *Additional taxable product for state * Portfolio diversity for tree farm Hardwoods have been the most important additional forest owner revenue stream to be developed during two decades of rising regulatory costs. 1.Economic Significance: *Supply for Mills *Additional taxable product for state * Portfolio diversity for tree farm Hardwoods have been the most important additional forest owner revenue stream to be developed during two decades of rising regulatory costs.

7 Significance of SFL to Hardwood Supply 2.Policy Significance: WFFA 1992 Forest Practice Rules Lawsuit SFL Position on Forest Practice Board SFLO AdvisoryCommittee (4-WFFA) i. Overstocked Stand Template ii. Fixed Width Buffer Template ~ Hdwd Conversion Template ~ Riparian Low Impact Template Alternate Plans Long Term Permit Forest Riparian Easement Program failing

8 Significance of SFL to Hardwood Supply 3. Legislative Significance: Smaller Buffers for smaller streams with smaller harvests. (HB 1192) RCW 76.13.100 SFLs should have the option of alternate management plans or alternate harvest restrictions on smaller harvest units that may have a relatively low impact on aquatic resources. 3. Legislative Significance: Smaller Buffers for smaller streams with smaller harvests. (HB 1192) RCW 76.13.100 SFLs should have the option of alternate management plans or alternate harvest restrictions on smaller harvest units that may have a relatively low impact on aquatic resources.




12 Significance of the SFL to Hardwood Supply

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