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Science 7 th and 8 th Grades. Breakdown of Grades- Tests and Projects- 40% Lab- 25% Quizzes- 25% Class work and Homework- 10%

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Presentation on theme: "Science 7 th and 8 th Grades. Breakdown of Grades- Tests and Projects- 40% Lab- 25% Quizzes- 25% Class work and Homework- 10%"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science 7 th and 8 th Grades

2 Breakdown of Grades- Tests and Projects- 40% Lab- 25% Quizzes- 25% Class work and Homework- 10%

3 Beginning of Class Students must be on time for class in order to start their seatwork. This will be posted on the board at the beginning of class. No one is to ask permission to leave the classroom while class is in session. Students may use the bathroom in between class only and make sure to return promptly. Seatwork will be checked and graded as class work periodically.

4 Homework- Will be posted in the HW site, written on the HW calendar in the classroom and announced orally. Students begin every trimester with a grade of 100 in this area. Points will be deducted whenever an assignment is not done. Helpful links will also be provided to aid students in their work.

5 Materials- Text books are given to each student. They must be labeled with their name and covered with clear contact paper. They are consumable and the student will be responsible for answering questions in their book when so assigned. The text book is also available online as well as a great variety of study aids and helpful resources that each student will be able to access from home. A large Mead notebook is also required for class notes, outlines and vocabulary. One duotang folder with loose leaf and a divider. This will be used on a daily basis for their seatwork and as their Lab folder.

6 Making up Missed Work- Students are responsible for work that they have missed. They must see me and schedule a time to make up the work (especially tests) as soon as possible after having been absent. Any other assignments such as seatwork and other class work activities must also be completed. Extra worksheets are always kept in the folder marked ABSENT on my counter. It contains worksheets that may have been assigned when the student was out.

7 Work Required- Tests are assigned according to a test schedule used in order to ensure that no more than two tests are given on the same day. I announce tests at least a week in advance so that students may prepare. Quizzes are usually announced but that does not rule out an occasional HW or Lab test that is not previously assigned. Projects and other longer assignments are always given with at least two weeks for the student to complete.

8 Dear Students and Parents, I look forward to a great school year! I hope this addresses most of your questions. If you have any concerns, further questions or issues that you think may be helpful for us to discuss please don’t hesitate to contact me through my email here at school. My goal is to see my students grow in their love of learning and to enjoy their Junior High experience. Sincerely, Mrs. Latour

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