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Croatian Development Aid Platform: Looking Ahead Tihomir Popovic 25th April 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Croatian Development Aid Platform: Looking Ahead Tihomir Popovic 25th April 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Croatian Development Aid Platform: Looking Ahead Tihomir Popovic 25th April 2012

2 Croatian Histroy in the Context of Development Aid Croatia from aid recipient to donor Civil war and impact on development focus Regional specificities – ability to be a good example NATO membership – diffenent development ‘edge’ EU membership – new roles and visions

3 Current issues and situation Development vs humanitarian aid definition Ethical question of development aid and public support – raising awareness Bilateral vs multilateral aid – divided approx 50/50 Role of civil society organisations Regional focus also in line with some military missions eg Afghanistan and looking to focus on a particular state for sustainable impact Looking to achieve 0.36% GNI (approx 125mil EUR) – so far in 2010 approx 60mil, but likely to decrease Lack of transparency regarding what qualifies as ODA– e.g. exchange students, translation of documents? Need for a clear definition How do we ensure a sustainable development budget is a fundamental concern

4 Setting up a platform Early stages – coordination with MfA, and kick–off meeting New National Strategy for Development Cooperation due in 2014 Role of the platform: Build CSO capacity – relatively small number of CSO involved in dev aid Public awareness rising Encourage new CSOs Play a role in policy making – constructive dialogue and a ‘seat at the table’ Support in writing proposals and implementation Research Monitor expenditure of the develoment aid budget

5 International cooperation Close cooperation with other EU and regional platforms Coordination of developmental priorities and organsing joint projects Building ties with CSOs in recipient countries and focus on a long-term approach

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