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Roadmap to the next 2015 run F. Marchetto GigaTracKer Working Group meeting Dec. 9 th 2014 a)Introductory meeting on Nov. 27, 2014 b)At that meeting several.

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Presentation on theme: "Roadmap to the next 2015 run F. Marchetto GigaTracKer Working Group meeting Dec. 9 th 2014 a)Introductory meeting on Nov. 27, 2014 b)At that meeting several."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roadmap to the next 2015 run F. Marchetto GigaTracKer Working Group meeting Dec. 9 th 2014 a)Introductory meeting on Nov. 27, 2014 b)At that meeting several critical items have been pointed out that will be rediscussed today c)In the following slides a broader view is represented and the previous items dealt on Nov. 27th are included d)The goal is to prepare 3+3 full stations

2 Cooling plant: Test on the chiller: a)Switch on the chiller with some GTK installed and vacuum b)Try to operate between -25 and -8 C (approximately) c)Pulse the pixels d)Check that the working chip on the GTK don’t breakdown also from the mechanical point of view January: A. Saputi, M. Noy, and one DAQ person Cooling plant: other works Replace the resistors (to warm up the liquid) to be able to operate between -8 C and ambient temperature?

3 Cooling plate Optional items: a) Development to get to 8 g/sec and 10-13 bar b) More refined simulator of the heat exchange c) Order to LETI A.Mapelli G. Romagnoli, ? c) Interface between cooling plate and detector (3M tape): to be investigated A.Mapelli J. Noel d) cooling station is missing in building 14 —> plan is to deliver one by end of 2014, but installation with available man power problematic After the last meeting, progresses have been done

4 Sensors a) We have 9 n-in-p (from FBK) at IZM b) Ordered other 30 sensors (p-in-n) to CiS: expected delivery middle-end of January c) Do we need an independent electrical characterization of the test structures? d) Do we need to measure independently the bowing of the sensor? ?? Flanges We need at least 6 flanges Design fixed (?) J. Noel

5 Bump-bonding (IZM) Delivered assemblies: 6 full-assemblies (two for each of 450, 250, and 100  m) 15 (?)single-chip assemblies ( five for each of 450, 250, and 100  m ?) As part of the signed contract, IZM should deliver others: 6 full-assemblies thinned to 100  m 15 single-chip assemblies thinned to 100  m R. Arcidiacono Test of the n-in-p on single-chip To do this it is required that IZM processes one n-in-p IZM should add one process: BCB to protect chips from high voltage discharge.

6 GTK carrier Three batches from Eltos 1)First batch failed for problem due to the metallization (used a process for FR4 instead of for Necro 4000) 2)Second batch failed due to an offset (~ 300  m)  in the pool position: however one could be used with strong limitation. 3)Third batch: out of ten starting cards only two were without faults. Wrong thickness of the pool: 1.150 mm instead of 0.850 mm ->> 0.850 mm achievable from Eltos process (?) One batch from Somacis: Some pads were found in short and recovered by Michel … however…

7 Characterization of the GTK-carrier is necessary setup for qualification AND production/tuning in future is needed - reference setup (not to be confused with qualification setup) M. Noy, M. Morel Redesign some parts of the card? cooling station is missing in building 14 —> plan is to deliver one by end of 2014, but installation with available man power problematic GTK carrier For the full characterization of the GTK carrier it is necessary a cooling station in bldg 14.

8 Chip characterization Probe card to be checked Order for the PCB to be placed M. Noy, M. Michel M. Perrin-Terrin Probe station ready in manual mode Probing of the wafers M. Perrin-Terrin, B. Velghe

9 Probe card for the assemblies A similar probe card could be used to verify the assembly before gluing it to the cooling plate M. Perrin-Terrin, B. Velghe

10 ASIC Wafer procurement IBM ended the foundry activity How many wafer do we need ? 1 wafer = 60 chips How many wafer are we left with? (10?) How many wafer are still at MOSIS? Can we ordered wafer to the company which bought IBM? A. Kluge

11 Wire-bonding Resistive protection on the edges applied already from Eltos/Somacis Depth of the pool less than 0.850 mm M. Morel Are these two implementations enough for a 100% good wire-bonding ? Or is necessary a further discussion with Ian/Florentine ?

12 Calibration of the pixels Around May with the Cooling station at bldg 14 M. Noy Interesting to measure the temperature effect on the calibration constants Interesting to measure the threshold in terms of fC on the calibration constants

13 DAQ Installation of the remaining cards Replacing of the daughter cards Firmware to synchronize the hit extraction to the trigger. Offset to be determined A. Cotta, E. Gamberini Necessary both DAQ modes: 0-bias R/O mode L0 synchronized R/O mode E. Gamberini, A. Gianoli

14 Interface of Run Control with the DAQ Necessary a more precise specification of the parameters to be uploaded G. Mila

15 Shareable information and data log Cooling plant: pressures and temperatures for the three station are logged by shifters. DCS should also register them continuously. Mechanical construction log: Alessandro M. Measurements on the bump-bonded assemblies (full and single) by IZM or by the collaboration: Roberta A. ECN3 and CR logbook: Flavio M and Mathieu P-T Calibration logbook : Matthew N.

16 Meeting schedule Proposal: Every two weeks at a fixed day (Thursday?) at 14:00

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